Negativity from strangers.
What a jerk!! I can't believe people are so ignorant! I've had a few people do this to me. I didn't tell any of my customers at work I was having surgery (before hand). Well, the week before I told a few people. One was a really good customer that I've had for about 8 yrs! He proceeded to tell me about working out and limit my carbs, no sugar.....etc! You know the routine!! I couldn't believe he sat there telling me this! I told him, well I've tried everything, nothing keeps it off. This is the best option for me right now! I haven't seen him since that day!!!
I had another customer ask me about a month ago, how I lost all my weight. I'm very open, I told him about my surgery. He went into the whole exercise thing and watch what you eat thing! I was soo mad!! Do these people think we haven't tried that before?????!!!!!!
And my last one, a woman at Bingo said I looked great and asked how I lost my weight. I told her...she looked at me, gave me a dirty look and said "oh, I could never do that". And walked away! Now she is heavy, I don't know if she is jealous or what. But every week she just gives me this snide look!
OK, getting off my soap box!!!
Don't let the muscle head get to you! You are doing this for you, not them! You know what is best for you! If your surgery is where you have come after long hard thoughts.....good for you!!
Good luck on your journey! Be sure to keep us posted!!!
There are never any problems, only solutions. quoted by a dear and special friend!!!
My stats:
Starting weight 234 lbs Height 5 ft 6 in
Goal in 7 months (127 lbs)
Currently: 120-123 lbs
Tops Small Bottoms size 2!!!! UPDATED: 11/11

My husband's friends wife has been on Weigh****chers for a year and has lost 96lbs. She's the one who made the remark about the diaper.
People just need to mind their own business.