Harry and David (the company)
So my husband is a shop a holic, mall rat, whatever you want to call it. He'll tell you it himself. Last night we went to the Crossings outlet mall...he was upset and didn't want to be "moping around the house" so we went there to walk around outside and do some retail therapy.
There is a Harry and David shop there. That's the company that makes "Moose Munch" which is probably some of the best (sugar loaded) caramel and chocolate popcorn I have ever had. Have not had it since surgery, of course.
They now make a SF version!!! In fact - they have a bunch of SF things now....sf moose munch, sf espresso beans...sf chocolate covered pretzels...sf jams...sf citrus jelly things (ya know the little slices of fruit type gummie things?) I was estatic!
I did buy some for a treat. I tried a handful of it last night. I will admit it is not EXACTLY like the original stuff but hell - beggars can't be choosers!
Just thought I would throw it out there!!

Now I will have to go to H&D's and scout some out and see what they have...
I did not notice any sf bing cherries. The girl at the desk said it is a fairly new line and they will be coming out with more products over the next year or so.
I said almost the same thing to Brian - why did I have to find THIS stuff? It's a good and not so good thing.

Actually - I was good and bought two small bags - one of espresso beans and one of the moose munch both sf of course.
Brian however...eeek gawd! He was feeding his emotions. And his emotions were HUNGRY, lol I can't say much - 110 pounds ago I fed every emotion in the book - so I understand. Brian came home with...chocolate covered pretzels, chocolate covered cashews, chocolate covered peanuts, chocolate covered peanut butter filled pretzels, moose munch - all of which were the "real deal"

on 3/18/09 1:07 am
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch