I"ve got to get to GOAL
She's awesome! and so so helpful, I can email her anytime and she gets back to me within a day... her name is Krista DiFerdinando and she's a Master Trainer at the Philadelphia Sports Club in Chalfont... and no, you don't have to be a memeber of the club to go see her. She's in amazing shape! and competes in what she calls "Figure Competitions" so she totally knows her stuff. I'll send you a PM with her information.. I don't know that it should be floating out there on the internet.. but anyone who is interested in talking with her just let me know and I'll send you her info.
Hey there missy! I am 2+ years out and still 20 pounds from "goal" when I saw my surgeon for my 2 year check up he told me that my surgery was a success and he would be happy if I didn't loose another pound. Everyone's body is different. If you are doing your best exercising and getting in all your fluids and proteins most days then you are on track. At about 20 months out I had been in a stall for about 8 months - then I lost 15 pounds over the course of a month or so - the more you mix things up the better off you will be. I hover right around 190 right now, Dr Brader's goal for me originally was 170, BMI charts say I should be around 140 - well people would think that I was emaciated if I got that low. This seems to be where my body is comfortable - if I loose a few more pounds - great! It not thats OK too - I am still 137 pounds lighter then I was 2 years ago and I am thrilled to death with that!
Also maybe check your carbs - are you getting in too many of the "bleached blonde carbs" as Shauna calls them? They are just detrimental
Hope this helps!
Also maybe check your carbs - are you getting in too many of the "bleached blonde carbs" as Shauna calls them? They are just detrimental
Hope this helps!
I don't know what Pupkova will say. I haven't been there in a while. I was supposed to go in January, but I didn't. I should make my appointment soon actually now that I think about it.
I know that 76% loss of excess weight is considered successful WLS, but as I posted above, I just want to be skinny skinny for once in my life. I would like to be for the rest of my life, but at least to hit the mark would be great.
Your new avatar is super cute by the way!
I know that 76% loss of excess weight is considered successful WLS, but as I posted above, I just want to be skinny skinny for once in my life. I would like to be for the rest of my life, but at least to hit the mark would be great.
Your new avatar is super cute by the way!

"Hit the mark?"
So you can beat yourself up and be miserable when you deal with the slight regain?
Why push your body to an unreasonably low weight and set yourself up to be disappointed when a small amount of it creeps back on?
You need to go home and try on your fat pants tonight, stare in the mirror for a while and start to see the picture of yourself that the rest of the wrold does.
So you can beat yourself up and be miserable when you deal with the slight regain?
Why push your body to an unreasonably low weight and set yourself up to be disappointed when a small amount of it creeps back on?
You need to go home and try on your fat pants tonight, stare in the mirror for a while and start to see the picture of yourself that the rest of the wrold does.
Well this whole thread was a lesson in "Don't Set Yourself Up for Failure".
During our last 1st Saturday meeting Norm introduced "Balance" & "Finding Your Identity".
I like all the useful tips and encouragement here and just know Angela that you are more than a number. You don't need to hold onto a number for your entire life, but you do need to find balance in your life and identify who you've been, who you are now, and what you want to become. Set reasonable goals knowing they will have to change as you achieve them. Never stop goal setting and achieving until you reach the very end.
During our last 1st Saturday meeting Norm introduced "Balance" & "Finding Your Identity".
I like all the useful tips and encouragement here and just know Angela that you are more than a number. You don't need to hold onto a number for your entire life, but you do need to find balance in your life and identify who you've been, who you are now, and what you want to become. Set reasonable goals knowing they will have to change as you achieve them. Never stop goal setting and achieving until you reach the very end.
...I would almost never question Father Belk or Master Jedi Norm....
*however*, i think , that *if* some people are questioning 'am I at goal' - that little itty bitty part of the subconcious might be telling them they are slipping from the healthly routine...and a self - 'sanity check' (what is my protein intake each day, what are the calories I'm taking in, what are those calories made up of, when am i eatting them, am i exercising, et cetera) is in order to get back on the straight and narrow.
GRANTED - our beautiful NubianLilly appears to be doing everything in her power (ie.: is doing all the right/healthy physical things) - so that might not apply.
If you're/we're on the 'straight and narrow' - the 'tough part' is accepting it's not about a number, it's all about health and reflection. As we've heard before, when you start adding weight training the scale will not move, after some point, but you're cloting sizes will.
Of you're/we're not on the 'straight and narrow' - the easy way out is to fool yourself that you are still following a health diet and exercise routine.... and that, in my opinion, is what we need to be on guard for (i.e. fooling ourselves into accepting a self-induced non-healthly plateau).
I sure don't want to offend anyone so please just take what I'm thinking as someone who is ALSO learning along the journey (kinda like somone who's never had children spouting off about how to handle certain aspects of child rearing).
Best regards,
*however*, i think , that *if* some people are questioning 'am I at goal' - that little itty bitty part of the subconcious might be telling them they are slipping from the healthly routine...and a self - 'sanity check' (what is my protein intake each day, what are the calories I'm taking in, what are those calories made up of, when am i eatting them, am i exercising, et cetera) is in order to get back on the straight and narrow.
GRANTED - our beautiful NubianLilly appears to be doing everything in her power (ie.: is doing all the right/healthy physical things) - so that might not apply.
If you're/we're on the 'straight and narrow' - the 'tough part' is accepting it's not about a number, it's all about health and reflection. As we've heard before, when you start adding weight training the scale will not move, after some point, but you're cloting sizes will.
Of you're/we're not on the 'straight and narrow' - the easy way out is to fool yourself that you are still following a health diet and exercise routine.... and that, in my opinion, is what we need to be on guard for (i.e. fooling ourselves into accepting a self-induced non-healthly plateau).
I sure don't want to offend anyone so please just take what I'm thinking as someone who is ALSO learning along the journey (kinda like somone who's never had children spouting off about how to handle certain aspects of child rearing).
Best regards,
I think you have a good point.
While i don't know that you were talking to me directly, I will sack up and say, no I don't always do everything right. I don't always eat the low fat or fat free cheese as i mentioned, I don't exercise 5-7 days a week and I don't always get all my protein.
There are definiately areas that I need to tighten up ( and i'm not just talking about my thighs)
My original thought though in starting this post was that tightening up loose ends isn't going to get me to a 30lbs weightloss in 3 months. (unrealistic goal i know) My thought was what mega changes can I do to really kick into high gear. Granted tightening up will get me closer than not doing it, but I wanted to see MAJOR change.
I don't want anyone to think that I'm delusional and thinking that there are not little things that I can tweak and that i'm following the program 24/7/365.
This is really a good thread... I LOVE IT!
While i don't know that you were talking to me directly, I will sack up and say, no I don't always do everything right. I don't always eat the low fat or fat free cheese as i mentioned, I don't exercise 5-7 days a week and I don't always get all my protein.
There are definiately areas that I need to tighten up ( and i'm not just talking about my thighs)
My original thought though in starting this post was that tightening up loose ends isn't going to get me to a 30lbs weightloss in 3 months. (unrealistic goal i know) My thought was what mega changes can I do to really kick into high gear. Granted tightening up will get me closer than not doing it, but I wanted to see MAJOR change.
I don't want anyone to think that I'm delusional and thinking that there are not little things that I can tweak and that i'm following the program 24/7/365.
This is really a good thread... I LOVE IT!