I"ve got to get to GOAL
I know you are wondering what I ate, so I'll fess up and tell you. sauteed veggies, skinless chicken thigh <- was on the greasy side for some reason, and baked mac and cheese.
overall I don't think this was a horrible dinner. the mac and cheese was made with skim milk and 1 egg and cheddar cheese ok it wasn't low fat cheese, but I don't think that should do it.
Now, I've got 30lbs to lose to get to goal. 30lbs before I consider my WLS successful. what should I do to get there. at 2lbs a month it will take me another 15 months to get to goal ( if I ever do)
I want to be done in teh next 3-4 months TOPS. I know I know everyone's body is different and I can't force it to bend ot my will... or can I? If I can, please tell me how.
OK, some other questions that I know are coming. I'm working out. I bought an elliptical machine which sits in my bedroom I get on it probably 3-4 times per week right now.
I don't get all of my protein I know that's another big one. I probably get about 50-60g a day where I'm supposed to have 73.
I know what you are going to say. Get your protein and up your exercise. That can't possibly be the answer.
30lbs 3 months... this is go time folks. I need some supercharged advice here... PLEASE.
Thanks in advance!

Good for you that you have decided to work out on your elliptical for 3-4 times per week. The only advise I can give you (and I am also guilty of this) try to meet your protein goals every day. The other thing is try not to weigh yourself everyday easier said than done but if you chain yourself to the scale it will only stress you in the long run. Been there done that. TRUST ME!!
Summer is coming up how about some swimming classes to get the cardio in. Just a suggestion but varying the exercise routine will do the trick somebody told me if you can confuse your body by varying your exercise routine that is the answer. Try these things for at least 2 weeks and see what happens. YOU CAN DO IT!!
It sounds like you are doing the right stuff and have already identified shortfalls (protein and such). Anything aside from what you are already doing (aside from detailed journaling of your diet) might be more destructive than anything. *MAYBE* switch your cardio routine....get *off* the eliptical and start the treadmill or jog outside. Trust me - it's MUCH harder than the elliptical. Maybe swimming...and I'm not talking floating, I'm talking kick you ass swimming.
Do you take an elevator at work or take the stairs? I've started getting off the elevator 5 floors below where I work (I'm on 39th floor) and walk up each time!! Each week I get off one more floor down. I also walk down, all 39 floors, at the end of everyday. I also get off the trolley/subway a couple stops before my 'real' stop and walk the extra difference home. Little 'adds' like that to you day can help....at least, I hope it helps (it's what I've started a few weeks back) :)
I don't have much more to say.....maybe water intake? Maybe planned meals during the day to avoid late night eating (if you are??)?
Good luck!
I do drive to work so I can't get off early but I do park far away from the building, and walk over.
Also, for some reason the doors are locked on the floors above 1. I can walk down definately ( i only work on the 5th floor) but I can't walk up because they lock the doors in that direction.
I will work on drinking more water, I believe I get all 64oz, but I'm sure a few more oz wouldn't kill me.

Where did your "goal weight" come from? Did your surgeon give it to you? Is it just a number picked off the BMI scale, based on your height? If so, throw it out the window too. It may not be a realistic number. With the extra skin we carry around, the BMI scale isn't accurate for us. It's just not. I work out 8 times a week, follow a pretty good eating plan, and I'm OBESE. At my lowest weight of 180 lbs., I was a bag of bones and tendons, and I WAS STILL OVERWEIGHT on the BMI scale.
And if you truly don't think your WLS surgery is successful, then your really need to take a few steps back, take a deep breath and look at where you've come from, where you are today, and where you're going tomorrow. Because from my point of view, you're doing wonderfully.
If you're eating the way you should be, and exercising regularly, you will continue to lose weight until your body hits a weight that you (and it) can comfortably maintain. If you "force your body" to do something or bend it to your will, guess what? The body fights back. And it's going to win.That weight may not match the "goal weight" number you've been given. You really need to take a little time to be prepared for that.
I'm not trying to rain or your parade, or be a party pooper, but there's a fine line between holding yourself accountable and setting yourself up for disappointment.
I found my own ideal weight based on being in the normal range of my BMI. Yes, that number isn't necessarily realistic because of people's body structure etc.
I feel personally like i've never been what could be considered "skinny" this is my chance and today as I got on the scale, I just had this overwhelming feeling that my door was closing.
Thanks for the reality check.

I was just kinda thinking along the same lines as Norm.
Is your weight goal a realistic one? I don't know you, your body type or history. But maybe you are setting a goal that isn't realistic to your body.
The amount of weight you HAVE lost is amazing. We all have ideal goals but our body can only do what it can do. Maybe you should make an appointment with your nut and discuss realistic expectations for yourself and weightloss. You certainly do not want to be unhealthy. You didn't do all this to be unhealthy.
30 lbs in three months is alot to lose when you aren't fresh out of surgery. After time, it takes longer to lose that kind of weight.
Good Luck and like you have already admitted, up your protein and exercise. IT DOES WORK!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Back on track... and enjoying the ride