A small wow moment :)
Last night Norm and I went and got sushi for dinner. I ADORE sushi btw, but that’s not the purpose of my post today J After we ate, we went to Home Depot to pick up sand for our centerpieces for the wedding. We grabbed a 50 lb. bag to start with, and checked out, and loaded up the car. We at some point went over a speed bump, and his car made a strange noise. He proceeded to say "No wonder, there’s an extra hundred pounds back there!" (There was also a box of cat liter and food along with the sand) and then…. It hit me!
Almost two years ago… my weight was the equivalent to about 8 ½ fifty pound bags of sand. And now today… It’s just a little over 3 bags! I lost 5 fifty pound bags of sand. I got teary eyed for a few minutes, until norm made fun of me for being a wishy washy sissy la-la cry baby….. I haven’t had a wow moment in quite a while, they're few and far between the further out you get! and just thought I would share J
Congrats on a great wow!!!
Oh - and I'm starting to get wedding fever FOR you my dear! I am sooooo excited about this wonderful time in your and Norm's life!!! When you said you went out to get stuff for your wedding center pieces I kind of smiled and remembered doing all that stuff for my wedding....and actually miss it! lol Then I remember some of the stress, too...and I'm perfectly content being happy FOR you!