Photos (nothing to exciting, I promise)
So last weekend my brothers and I were at a family members surprise bday party. I had realized a few days before that,. we don't have ANY pics of the three of us since my wedding (which was 2005!) So I begged and pleaded and got them to take a pic with me. The one on the left (the tall one) is my YOUNGEST brother (and youngest child) and the one on the right is the "middle child". He's also the one who has struggled with addiction and as you can probably tell - looks pretty healthy right now and I know he once again looks like "my" brother. It happened to be on the one 60+ degree day we had - so I actually got to wear nice clothes and not feel like nanook of the north!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Thanks Diane! No stupid questions!! I have sagging skin on my upper thighs - you do NOT want to see those legs in a bathing suit, promise! I also have some spider veins (which I could not see prior to surgery and now that A) I am thinner and B) Spending more time on my feet I can now see VERY nicely)
In the picture (and in almost ANY picture of me dressed in other than jeans) I am wearing spanx "all the way up" support hose. They go from right under my bra down into full panty hose. Control top from the bottom of the thigh area all the way up to where they stop below my bra.
I SWEAR by spanx. They are pricey - about $28 for that type - but hot damn do they work!
In the picture (and in almost ANY picture of me dressed in other than jeans) I am wearing spanx "all the way up" support hose. They go from right under my bra down into full panty hose. Control top from the bottom of the thigh area all the way up to where they stop below my bra.
I SWEAR by spanx. They are pricey - about $28 for that type - but hot damn do they work!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

I have the same problem with my legs as you.....they are fine till you see my thighs! Then WHOA baby! LOL. And I also have many spider veins. An atrocious on on my left ankle. But hey, I am not gonna complain. Of all the "body" image side effects of the surgery, my legs are the least of my worries! LOL
You guys look great. That color looks wonderful on you!
You guys look great. That color looks wonderful on you!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Thanks Jo! Yup I feel basically the same way! The boobs are quite saggy but my bras fix that up and I could definately use some work on my abdomen - but I'll trade that any day for the pounds I lost!
I fell in love with those types of colors when we were going to the Bahamas for our honeymoon. I wanted something "tropical" and ended up buying a bunch of those colors (in much bigger sizes, though....) and they look even better on me now :)
I fell in love with those types of colors when we were going to the Bahamas for our honeymoon. I wanted something "tropical" and ended up buying a bunch of those colors (in much bigger sizes, though....) and they look even better on me now :)
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

You look adorable - love the outfit!! They must be so proud of you! And I'm very happy for your brother - I hope he can keep the demons at bay. I have a niece and a nephew who both struggle with drug addiction - right now they're both doing well - but I know its a daily struggle for them to stay away from it.
Looks like you had a great day - everybody must have been oohing and ahhing over the new Pam! (And they should have!!)
Looks like you had a great day - everybody must have been oohing and ahhing over the new Pam! (And they should have!!)
Yea...I got a bunch of comments which was kind of nice! The one cousin said to me "You look FABULOUS, GREAT..." and then she started stammering over her words "Not that you didn't look great before, you've always looked great..." I just started laughing and told her I knew what she meant. Cause I do :)
I am hoping the demons stay away for the brother. He recently admitted himself into an intensive outpatient therapy program. He wasn't using again (so he says and I do believe him to a degree) but he felt like using again and it scared the crap outta him. It's also the first time in this long battle that he has gone into counseling - he's always believed counseling to be "stupid" and "nonproductive" The only time he went was a 30 day drug rehab place and that was mostly group sessions - not one on one counseling which the boy has needed for a LONG time about a LOT of things (drugs only one of them....)
I am hoping the demons stay away for the brother. He recently admitted himself into an intensive outpatient therapy program. He wasn't using again (so he says and I do believe him to a degree) but he felt like using again and it scared the crap outta him. It's also the first time in this long battle that he has gone into counseling - he's always believed counseling to be "stupid" and "nonproductive" The only time he went was a 30 day drug rehab place and that was mostly group sessions - not one on one counseling which the boy has needed for a LONG time about a LOT of things (drugs only one of them....)
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.