A Conversation I Wasn't Meant to Hear...
As many of you know, I supervise a word processing department for a large law firm in Center City Philadelphia. Just a little while ago one of the word processors from our Baltimore office called and left a voicemail asking for help with a problem document. When she ended the call, she didn’t hang her phone up and my voicemail recorded the following conversation:
Word Processor: Have you ever seen Eileen in person
Attorney: No
Word Processor: She was a very, very large woman, but her new picture on BIN (our intranet) shows her to be much smaller now. I think she probably had surgery…I remember that she was out for a while about a year ago.
Attorney: Really….I don’t believe in that surgery. I think everyone can lose weight. All they have to do is stop eating.
Word Processor: Yeh, me too. I don’t know why anyone would want to put themselves through that. I know I eat way too much and could lose weight, but I would never put myself through that. But she was really, really large and looks pretty good now.
Attorney: Yeh, well I’m surprised she manages that group….she can’t even manage herself!
Word Processor: Yeh, right!
End of conversation.
I returned the call and helped her with her document, not saying a word about what I heard. I honestly didn’t know what to say. But it has opened my eyes a bit. I have been very fortunate that through my WL journey I have had what I thought was 100% support from my family, friends, and co-workers. But I think I just found out that I am very naïve. There are some people who tell you what you want to hear up front, but actually believe just the opposite.
Oh, and one little interesting tidbit. This Word Processor doesn’t know it yet, but I am about to become her Supervisor!
Word Processor: Have you ever seen Eileen in person
Attorney: No
Word Processor: She was a very, very large woman, but her new picture on BIN (our intranet) shows her to be much smaller now. I think she probably had surgery…I remember that she was out for a while about a year ago.
Attorney: Really….I don’t believe in that surgery. I think everyone can lose weight. All they have to do is stop eating.
Word Processor: Yeh, me too. I don’t know why anyone would want to put themselves through that. I know I eat way too much and could lose weight, but I would never put myself through that. But she was really, really large and looks pretty good now.
Attorney: Yeh, well I’m surprised she manages that group….she can’t even manage herself!
Word Processor: Yeh, right!
End of conversation.
I returned the call and helped her with her document, not saying a word about what I heard. I honestly didn’t know what to say. But it has opened my eyes a bit. I have been very fortunate that through my WL journey I have had what I thought was 100% support from my family, friends, and co-workers. But I think I just found out that I am very naïve. There are some people who tell you what you want to hear up front, but actually believe just the opposite.
Oh, and one little interesting tidbit. This Word Processor doesn’t know it yet, but I am about to become her Supervisor!
There are many people who don't "bleieve" in it. And I had people in my life that didn't just say it behind my back, I got it all upfront, in my face.
It was hurtful. But at the same time, it was thier opinion and they were being honest. Most people will never tell you to your face they don't agree, or don't like it. Most people will play up to you when you are around and trash talk when you walk away.
It's sad but the truth. People suck!
It was hurtful. But at the same time, it was thier opinion and they were being honest. Most people will never tell you to your face they don't agree, or don't like it. Most people will play up to you when you are around and trash talk when you walk away.
It's sad but the truth. People suck!
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Well... Ok.
#1... she said you're much smaller!! Not much of a compliment, but certainly not a put-down.
#2... she said she doesn't "believe" in the surgery. What's to believe in? when people say those things it's their fear of the unknown. We know it takes a lot of courage to do what we have done. In Essence... she's a coward :)
#3.... You're going to be her supervisor. when you become that, just with a sly smile, tell her now she'll have the oppertunity to see how well you can manage not only yourself, but her well. She'll get the hint :)
Keep on keeping on Eileen. People talk like that out of jealousy and spite.. they're jealous of you! And they should be, because not only are you smaller, healthier, and a much more corageous person then they are... you obviously do a better job then they do, seeing as how you're in a supervisor position and they're not!
Plus, you're pretty rockin IMHO!
#1... she said you're much smaller!! Not much of a compliment, but certainly not a put-down.
#2... she said she doesn't "believe" in the surgery. What's to believe in? when people say those things it's their fear of the unknown. We know it takes a lot of courage to do what we have done. In Essence... she's a coward :)
#3.... You're going to be her supervisor. when you become that, just with a sly smile, tell her now she'll have the oppertunity to see how well you can manage not only yourself, but her well. She'll get the hint :)
Keep on keeping on Eileen. People talk like that out of jealousy and spite.. they're jealous of you! And they should be, because not only are you smaller, healthier, and a much more corageous person then they are... you obviously do a better job then they do, seeing as how you're in a supervisor position and they're not!
Plus, you're pretty rockin IMHO!