
on 3/9/09 11:46 am - Levittown, PA
So I posted a couple of days ago about a coworker crying on my shoulder and then my boss pulling me into conference room to "grill" me into trying to  find out if my coworker was badmouthing my boss. I came into work today and my coworker was friendly but then my boss pulled her into the conference room and had his "talk" with her. Anyway now my coworker is giving me the cold shoulder like I betrayed her confidence.

I feel like  s*&thead because I feel like this co-worker thinks that I might have ran to my boss to win "brownie" points. I swear I didn't but the whole day was so uncomfortable and she would not say goodnight to me when she left and kind of gave me the "if looks could kill looks". I am honestly upset about this situation and I know I need to go over it but I am so new at this job I don't know how to I guess "make this situation better".

My husband tells me to forget about it but my work environment has become hostile and tainted. Ugh what is the use complaining. Thanks for listening to me..


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


on 3/9/09 9:04 pm - Gettysburg, PA
I feel for you. Going to work and feeling like that must be miserable. I have done it in the past and it's no picnic. there's really  nothing you can do. If you talk to her about it and try to defend yourself that you didn't go running to the boss, you will just perpetuate a relationship that includes her  thinking she can come to you with drama and that the last thing you need.

Most of the time, these things pass. But some people are just spiteful or childish. The best thing to do is keep your head up, do a good job, and stay out of the mess. I worked in manufacturing for YEARS and it was the same way. Some of the women were down right mena, backstabbing and hurtful. And ran to the boss or soemone else with anything they thought they could gossip about. I learned very quickly to stay quiet, do my job and keep to myself.

Thankfully now, I work in a different atmosphere. I hope your day goes better today! Hang in there and remember, it's just a job. Not your "entire" life. It stinks to go to a job you don't "love" but in this economy, soemtimes you have to bite the bullet and just get through the day. It will make you apprecite being home with people you love and enjoy, so much more.

When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!



on 3/9/09 10:56 pm - phila., PA

If it really bother syou I would just come out & asker. say to her "are you okay is there something wrong. I was just wondering because you sren't talking to me" ask her point blank nyou can't tell her what happened with your boss but if she tells you he said something to her just say I don't know what you are talking about ."
go for it Shilpa, I will give you lessons on how to say what you want NEVER keep your feelings inside let it all out you will feel better.
Hugs Susan

on 3/10/09 12:13 am - Philadelphia, PA
Shannon O.
on 3/10/09 4:50 am - Reading, PA
Men deal with stuff differently... so the hubby could be right... but the others have pointed out good things too...

Me, personally... I would ask her out to lunch and just talk... if she doesn't want to... then blow her off and ignore them... but at least you had tried...

But, I don't think your boss should be acting like a 2 year old... what a dork!

on 3/10/09 9:06 am
I am sorry you are going thru this and I agree with Susan but I think that this is a situation that needs to be brought to HR's attention because now your boss has put you in a very bad situation and thats not right either. I would either talk to her and tell her but you;re damned it you do and damed if you don't because she is liable to go off on the boss and then where would that leave you? Its a HR situation in my opinion . My husband would say the same but I don't listen because I have to work with these people and in my opinion I spent more time with them then I do at home in my waking hours. But by the same token they are your co-workers not your friends and you still want a comfortable working enviorment but I have a feeling you are not the only one she complains to or else your boss wouldn't wonder what she may have said you you about him. Hopefully I am making sense.
on 3/11/09 10:57 pm - Boston, MA
Hi Shilpa, 

I'm really sorry you are going through this right now at work -- that must be so uncomfortable :(  Just know that you did nothing wrong in all this.  It might not hurt to talk to her about it though...just to clear the air.  I agree with what the others have posted also.  Just wanted to offer you my support and to let you know I am thinking of you.  Hope the situation gets better for you really soon. 

Lisa :) 
on 3/11/09 11:03 pm - Levittown, PA
Thank You so much for you kind words. I am thinking about asking her to lunch today something tells me she is so hurt she will turn me down. But if nothing else I am persistent. LOL. How are you doing??


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


on 3/11/09 11:10 pm - Boston, MA
Hi Shilpa,

You are very welcome!  I think asking her to lunch is an excellent idea...maybe when you ask her, let her know you'd like to talk with her about something so she knows it's kinda important...yes, you are definitely persistent, which is a good thing ;)  Let us know what happens.  I am doing pretty well -- thank you for asking :)

Lisa :)  
on 3/11/09 11:17 pm - Levittown, PA
Thanks Lisa I will definately let you know how this whole situation pans out. Good to hear you are okay. I did miss you at the Saturday meeting. Take Care :)


People comment on my over 100 pound weight loss and attribute it to my WILLpower, but it is my WANTpower: I WANT to be thin and healthy more than anything else! 


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