FYI.......possibly interesting storys you might be interested in
Well I'm at I have missed them all...if they were the same ones I saw last year, however, most of them just made me pissed off at the way they were documented, at the people in them, and at the way the surgery was "shown" (IE the man who was eating kentucky fried chicken a few months after surgery....)
Hopefully they were different ones and were better....
Hopefully they were different ones and were better....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

They were on before.. 1/2 ton teen, mom, and dad. They were pretty scary/sad. I watched them with my daughter the last time they were on. It put life into perspective for me. That just confirmed my need to do this and to get my daughter on track with her eating. The teen's mom was such an enabler. I would love to see a follow up on dad and teen, especially teen. Hopefully he was strong enough to do it on his own because he relied heavily on his mom.
Unfortunately mom's we won't see. That was so sad.
Unfortunately mom's we won't see. That was so sad.