I cried at Old Navy today
So many of us have had such emotional days...it's kind of like everything for the past year all of the sudden "catches up with you" And yes - perhaps you are mourning the loss of the person you used to be...perhaps you are "scared" of not knowing who that person in the mirror is....mixed in with some amazingly happy times....it's enough to make you go crazy (or cry in old navy at the very least)
Congrats on all your accomplishments - you have done wonderfully!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Congrats on the size change! I get emotional too when I get rid of a pile of clothes and go down a size. I think "you should be ecstatic!" but I'm usually not at first. It takes a few days to mourn. I find I mourn the pieces of life Iost by being so big. I move quickly through though because I want to focus on the positives of the new life but the dismay (I think that describes it) is there so I feel it and process it. :0) You're doing awesome!
regards, keri
Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning to dance in the rain. --Author Uknown
I always cry on laundry day, taking my clothes out the dryer and recognizing that they are mine and not embarrassed that someone else in the laundry room will think ... gheez, look at the size of those underwear. But the tears come while I'm hanging up stuff in my closet and and realize how much bigger the hanger is than the clothes when just a short time ago I just about had to velcro stuff to the hangers to keep them falling off.