*** Saturday Roll Call***

Patricia R.
on 3/6/09 2:58 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Everyone,
I woke up to get a drink and can't get back to sleep, so I figured I would start Roll Call.

Saturday has me doing a lot of running around big time.  First, I have to run out to Abington to meet up with a colleague who has something for me from work that I need to take care of.  Then, I have my therapy appointment.  After that, I have to meet up with my sister to get some soup she picked up for me at Wegman's.  I love their soups and she was at one yesterday and got me some.  After that, I must come home and get on the computer to enter my grades.

I hope everyone has a great day.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/6/09 6:38 pm - Culpeper, VA

Today, I too, have lots to do.  We have to go to Olean, NY to look for some more flooring to finish up the room donwstairs.  We have to go by the Verizon store to get one of my hubby's FOUR phones fixed.  Sigh...... I want to get a trim at Walmart.

I am supposed to attend a virtual board meeting at 2pm today in Agape World Fellowship but not sure if we will be back.  So it is going to be a very busy day.  So glad it is nice outside today too

Clueless about weight loss and weight loss surgery of any kind.


on 3/6/09 8:46 pm - Pottstown, PA
Good morning!!

Today has me heading out to a little town to go to a farm to price how much half a cow or a whole pig is so we can lower our grocery bill for the year!! Fun and exciting I know... But Barry grew up on a farm and he is the cook in the family and he knows what to look for... so we shall go check it out!!

Then it is off to Loews to pick up stain so I can finish up my mantle piece for the fireplace and then we may head over to Zerns to see if we can discover any gems for the house I really need another bookcase....

Then finally possibly Target so I can use my gift card and get new black dress pants because the pair I wore to work on Tuesday were sooooo big I had to hoist them up to under my bra and belt them till there was no more holes left in the belt...I tripped over the pants while wearing them!!!!  It is time for new pants...I think I can fit in one leg of those pants now!!

Hope everyone has a great beautiful sunny warm Saturday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much luv!!

"Two roads diverged in a wood..and I took the one less travelled by and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost
Over 176+ lbs lost since surgery!! :-)
See my profile for my OH Blog!!

on 3/6/09 9:15 pm - Riverside, PA

Good morning PA!

Well, this morning has my hubby and me waking up childless! Our two sons are camping with the Boy Scouts for the weekend and our daughter is at college but currently she is returning today from an alternative spring break trip to the Dominican Republic. She was there working at an ophanage for a week.  I'll be glad when she is back on campus safely.

Last night after the boys left, we went to eat at the Barnyard. It  was an hour away but fun. The servers wore overalls with cow spotted aprons, country music and really good home cooked meals.  I was very pleased they offered a 'smaller appetite' section.  The baked haddock I got was huge! and delish. Now I have enough for two more meals-can't even fathom the amount had it been a regular portion! It was only $6.99 w/ two sides!! We sat for the longest time just catching up on things.

Today, hubby would like to go to some chili cook-off in the Poconos, Canedensis I think.  Don't know how far from home it is but since this is his long weekend off from work-we'll prolly check it out.  No kids to complain about it. Thought about doing an overnight somewhere. We'll see.

Still have to get taxes done and FAFSA form.  We have two computers and printers but do you think we have a functioning printer/computer combo-of course not. Uggh

If we decide to not take an overnight somewhere, we have major closet weeding out to do! Have a great day whatever you are doing!


303/275/199.4/150    ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!      

Pam Hart
on 3/6/09 10:02 pm - Easton, PA
Well I will be running late this morning - as I am sitting here on the boards as opposed to getting showered and dressed like I probably should be!  LOL

We're off to Bordentown today for the bday party which I'm totally excited about.  Depending on what time we get back into the area we may go to a friends house.  She travels a lot for work and then there's me on night shift so very rarely are we home/awake/able to socialize and this is one of the few days we can. 

I really hope to make it over there - but that is also an hour away from our house...so today will be a ton of driving and socializing.

Oh - and the bday part we are going to - the family doesn't know about my WLS and hasn't seen me since about 6 weeks post op - so this should be one hell of a interesting experience!

Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.
on 3/7/09 1:27 am - Milroy , PA
Good Afternoon, I am always a late starter. Well since I was sick at the begining of the week. ( And by the way I am feeling MUCH better now), and then the last two days have been spent running all over the place. Just to name a few, son lost his wallet so needed a new driver's license, SS card etc. and then he got his income tax return so he took me shopping he bought me new pj's and a robe for the hospital on the 20 th. Then he wanted to go to Cabela's, none of us have ever been there, amazing store. That was two hours to get there and two hours back. Now I think I am ready to start doing what I had planned for the two weeks before my surgery. So today finds me doing all the housework, laundry, and dishes that have piled up this week. Then I want to clean some carpets and wash some curtains sometime in the next two weeks. Wow I am going to be busy, but don't worry I will take some time to rest before surgery. Hope everyone has a fantastic day.
(deactivated member)
on 3/7/09 2:42 am
Happy warm and wonderful Saturday everyone!  Gotta love this weather.  I got to sleep in a bit this morning then took Tucker in to the groomer.  He was LONG overdue so mommy is very happy!!  After dropping him off I went to my karate class and now I am doing laundry and waiting for the call to go pick him up.  I know he is sitting there under the drier planning a big role in the mud when he gets home.....grrrr

After I pick Tucker up, I am going to stop at wegmans and pick up a few boxes of their sf fudge pops...LOVE them!!!  Then, I am taking him over to my parents so my neice and nephew can see him.  They are staying with my parents for the weekend so my sister and brother in law can get some things done at home.  For as big as Tucker is, he instinctively knows how to be gentle with children and stands there letting them pretty much do whatever they want....or at least as much as I will let them do LOL  I have to protect MY baby ya know LOL

Tonight, I have a 50th birthday party to go to for a co-worker.  That should be fun, but I am going to make it an early night and be home to hopefully stay awake long enough to catch SNL.

Have a good day!

on 3/7/09 3:40 am - Schuylkill Haven, PA
Let's see. Im late because ive been going non stop since this morning. Got up.. showered dressed. got kids ready. My son left with his dad for the night(gma is in town) So he went to see her. Then I went to the hall where we are having the wedding. Since nothing is going on till ours we got to decorate early!! Its beautiful. Im in love with it all. LEft there went for my final dress fitting. Came back to the hall. pick up Kelley and Lola. now we are home making some early dinner and getting ready for our bachleor/ette parties!! Woowhoooo! Im obber excited!!!

Tomorrow is recoop day!!
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