Tell me about coming home after surgery
However there is one part that nobody seems to talk about, and that is the first week after coming home from the hospital, and what limitations you had.
Can you sleep lying down? In bed? Or do you have to sleep in a recliner for awhile? If so, how long? Can you get up from a chair without help?
I hear often that it's so hard to ge****er/liquids down? Whats hard about it? Don't liquids go right through quickly? Is it hard because you're full and can't fit any more in? Or because you just don't feel like drinking? Can you substitute say, warm mint tea for water?
How bad is the pain? Bad enough that you can hardly move? If so, how does one - ahem - take care of things after using the bathroom?
Did you feel good enough to say, be on the computer or read? I'm wondering if it will be hard to concentrate for awhile, given the wifty head one has as you go into ketosis?
Does seeing or smelling food make you feel nauseous? Are you constantly nauseous, or just not hungry? Do things that you've enjoyed - say s/f grape drink or mint tea still taste good?
Can you have ice cold drinks? Can you freeze a clear liquid and have it as a popsicle?
Sorry for so many questions! Its just for some reason, none of the books I've read answer these questions, and I rarely see people post here just after surgery.
I slept on the couch. My bedroom was upstairs and I was to sore/scared to do the stairs.
I was tender and sore but not in any pain. In fact I barely used the pain meds that were prescribed.
I sipped on water. I didn't worry about how much and count oz. I just sipped constantly.
I walked around as much as possible. Walked out to get mail, to let dog out, small frequent walks helped a great deal. I moved as much as I could. It helps with healing. I was driving by day 5-6. I was back at work by day 12.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
I wansn't really in any pain, just more of a discomfort. I only took the pain meds a few times at home, and only at bed time.
You don't feel hungry or thirsty since they cut so many nerves in your stomach so it is more remmebering to do it. You can only take small sips though or you feel as though you have guzzled gallons! You stomach is also very swollen so there isn't much room in there.
You can drink other things ohter then water, anything non-carbonated, sugar free and decafinated counts as fluids.
I was able to get in and out of the bathroom myself and use the toilet like normal - sometimes the stretching to wipe was a bit uncomfortable but not painful. (TMI I know...)
After I got home I was fine to watch TV, read or use the computer - I just found that it tired me out quickly.
Sometimes smelling food would make me nauseous but rarely - and I have always had a sensitive nose/stomach.
Some tastes do change - that varies person to person though. I still like most of the foods I did pre-op.
YOu can have cold drinks but might find that it irritates your pouch - it does for some, not all. You can freeze things or have pop cicles - they were a saving grace for me early out! They do make sugar free ones that are very good.
OK I think I got most of them! LOL best of luck with your surgery!!!
PS what part of PA are you in?
Your experience will be yours and whatever you go through will be worth the success you have later!
Good luck!! Its an awesome trip!!!
My tastes changed a lot - I am a huge ice water drinker but after surgery could not tolerate the cold water, so I drank it at room temp - sipped slowly but a lot and it was fine. I had broth, sf jello, protein shakes - you won't get a lot of food in at first and you definitely won't feel hungry - if you do its really 'head hunger' and we all experience that at one time or another.
I walked around a lot - mostly in the house for the first couple of days but then I felt good enough to walk the dog. I came back to work after one week - had my surgery on a Monday and was back at work the following Monday. The only thing with that was I got tired very easily - I left early each day for a week. In hindsight I probably would have been better taking 2 full weeks off just to recuperate, but I honestly had no pain or adverse side effects so it didn't seem like too much coming back to work.
I wasn't nauseaus at all - food didn't tempt me tho, either.
There are actually a lot of posts out here for this type of question, but its usually in the form yours is - an individual asking. You'll get lots of responses from folks and we all have different experiences - yours will be truly unique to you.
One thing I would say -- if you follow your surgeon's instructions pre and post op and you're having lap RNY you should do quite well. People who have open RNY have a longer recovery time because of their incisions.
Best of luck to you - your big day will be here before you know it!! Don't let these things prey on your mind - you're going to be fine.
ps: If you think you'll have bathroom issues reaching around someone recommended to me using a plastic tong with the paper or wrapping an old wooden spoon with paper - fortunately I didn't have that problem but if you do these might be helpful.
Tuesday: Surgery
Home: Thursday morning. This was over 1 1/2 hour car ride for me - stopped twice to walk and move a little. Took a shower when I got home. I did have hubby help me because we had one of those big old fashioned claw foot tubs and it was a BIG step in and out so I just wanted to be sure. In the afternoon I was out walking in the neighborhood for 5-10 minutes at a clip and slowly extended that. That evening I went to my parents house (hubby drove) to show them that I was ok. I was so and it was difficult (a little) getting in and out of the car, but definately doable.
I was able to sleep in my own bed no problems. Well - I had a little bit of trouble getting OUT of the bed, LOL. I was sore and wasn't used to getting out of bed from a completely flat position, let alone without the nifty little hand rails on the side of the hospital bed.
Each day was better. I had absolutely no problems getting fluids in. Protein - a whole other story. Basically because I had trouble with the protein drinks (which, by the way, I had no trouble with pre op. Tastes CAN change after surgery)
You can use anything that is sf and decaf noncarbonated as fluids. Crystal lite, tea, ice pops, jello, broth it all counts. I took pain meds at night only and used tylenol the rest of the time.
By Saturday I was dressed in jeans and a bra and had hair and make up done and wandered around a craft show with hubby. And then we went to the mall. I was TIRED after that but not in pain.
Day 6 was pretty rough for me. I got hit with some really foul smelling diarrhea and it also seems the dye they had used during my surgery had finally made it's way out of me....and I felt awful. I was queasy and just "blah" feeling and the diarrhea stench was enough to wake my husband out of a sound sleep, get dressed, go to an all night quick mart and buy some extra air freshener.
Day 7 was the magic day for me. I felt GREAT! I still got tired easily - but definately better than I had the rest of the week.
Food didn't make me nauscious. I battled "head hunger" something fierce. I cooked for hubby and ordered him pizza one night and although physically I was not hungry, dear lord did I want a piece of that pizza. I actually went for a walk that night because I couldn't stay in the house with it. It was the beginning of "breaking up" with food and trying to get through my "abusive relationship" with food as I put it.
Most thing still tasted good to me - with the exception of most of the protein drinks. I had to "play around" with that to make them tolerable. I also LOVED cold drinks. GRanted - I did drink a lot of teas and broth (obviously warm) during the early days but if it was anything like crystal lite or water, I had to have it cold. A lot of people don't like cold drinks after surgery - but I have never had a problem with it.
Ask ask ask - we'll answer anything, TMI or not!

I took the Rx pain meds only once after I got home - on the first day. I could sleep fine in my bed, and I had no problem with getting up or doing stairs. I did doze off and on for the first three days or so, jus****ched TV and was on the internet here and there. Most of my time and energy was focused on sipping - I could not tolerate water at all, so I sipped crystal lite, herbal tea, iced tea. I did good with the protein drinks for a few days and then lost my taste for them altogether. I did three weeks of full liquids, so by the time I started on "real food" I was well on my way and tolerating everything. One thing with me for the first two months everything I drank had to be hot or very cold, I didn't like anything in between. Overall, I felt really good for the first two weeks, no problems. I could have gone back to work after the first week but took two weeks so I could focus on getting fluids and protein in. But, if I had to, I would have not had any problem working (desk work and some walking). I walked around the house every 1-2 hours everyday and went back to gentle yoga (20 -30 minutes every day) after a week.
Hope this helps! Best of luck - you'll do great!
Monday Feb. 23-surgery
Wed Feb 25-came home, rested in recliner and on sofa during day; was able to go up the 15 steps slowly to go the bathroom; slept in my bed
Took pain pills Wed. every 4 hrs; Thursday-AM and bedtime only; Friday-bedtime only
Driving by Friday evening
Since then, I have slept in the bed every night. Like Pam, I had a bit of trouble getting out of bed the first morning but since I had a c-section and have suffered a bad back, I was able to manage with out too much pain.
Fluids-water, broth, SF popsicles--the best thing ever; SF icees; mint tea-great for gas; other teas; decaf coffee; just sip sip sip. Don't try to gulp. Yes, they do go through you quickly.
I didn't have any problems taking care of bathroom duties. I had my first BM 5 days out and it was runny since I was only taking in liquids-this is normal.. (I asked here) I did not have an issue wiping because I didn't have much pain.
I spent a bit of time on the computer Wednesday but mostly just to let people know I was ok. Didn't stay on long. By Thursday I was feeling better and spent more time. I haven't tried to read a book yet, but I don't read books as often as I should so don't go by me. I didn't seem to have any anesthesia related issues.
Food did not bother me a bit. I sat at the table with my DH and daughter while they ate ribs and I just sipped broth. It was more for family time for me. I have not had any head hunger-yet. I constantly sip fluids of some sort so I am not hungry. It's crazy that I feel like this because I was one who was constantly eating no matter if I was hungry or not. I have not even tried to nibble on anything since I started "eating" this past Thursday. When I did start eating, I just do it slow and chew chew chew. I have not eaten more than an ounce or two of anything yet and feel no remorse, hunger or anything.
Good luck with everything and keep coming back here. I truly believe the information I have found here and the friends I have made have had a sincere impact on my attitude regarding this whole thing. I have been 100% positive about every aspect of this since I joined here. There have been no doubts in my mind and no negativity whatsoever. I was talking to someone outside today and she said that I just have a serenity about myself and the whole surgery experience. That is wholy due to these people.
Once I got home (or actually to my parents' house in NY), I was able to sleep lying down in bed and did not need a recliner. I do remember having some pain when I would try to sit up in the morning, but the pain got progressively less each day. I didn't have any trouble getting water/liquids down (regardless of temperature and including SF popsicles). I did experience quite a bit of pain post-op (more than many others) and personally, I did have trouble "taking care of things after using the bathroom" -- embarrassing as it was, I needed help with that, even after trying tongs to hold the toilet paper, etc. I didn't get nauseous seeing or smelling food, but I do remember pineapple (in a protein shake) tasting "too sweet" for me at the time. I hope I answered most of your questions (based on my own experiences). I was able to use the computer immediately once I got home (although I couldn't read anything or even listen to any music while I was in the hospital) and I cut and pasted below the entries I wrote on my OH profile from the time I got home up to and including 3 weeks post-op. Feel free to read them to see both how I was feeling and how much I was able to type in one sitting.
I look forward to following your journey with you and if you have any more questions, let us know!
Lisa :)
Home from Barix [Edit Post]
posted on 8/5/07 1:56 pm
It's Sunday afternoon, August 5, and I just got home from Thursday's procedure. All things considered, my surgery went well, although Dr. Pupkova found that I was bleeding quite a bit so my surgery took about 3 hours instead of the estimated hour/hour and a half. Unfortunately, I've been having a lot of pain post-op. Some has been from the surgery itself, and I'm told the rest of it is gas-related. I've had a very difficult time getting any gas to come up, and because I was in so much pain and was running a fever of 101.8, they decided to keep me at Barix an extra day. Dr. Pupkova has been wonderful throughout this entire procedure and the care I got from the staff at Barix was exceptional! I couldn't have asked for any better care!! I'm hopeful that the pain will decrease with each new day and hopefully, I'll be feeling better in no time! Thank you all so much for your posts and messages and for keeping me in your thoughts -- it was especially nice getting to meet you Jenn, Heidi, Jan and Dennis -- you all look wonderful and really brought a smile to my face! :) Off to sip, sip, walk, breath and sip sip some more!
1 week out! [Edit Post]
posted on 8/9/07 11:01 am
I've only been home from Barix for a few days, but today is Thursday, August 9, which means it is actually a full week since my surgery...hard to believe! And today, I switch from clear liquids to full liquids, which is very exciting! Best of all, my pain has gotten much better over the past couple of days. I'm still experiencing a little bit of pain and gas, but I'm able to go longer without taking my pain meds and the pain is definitely less intense than it was. Each day is getting better! And of course, I'm still sipping, walking, and breathing!
2 weeks out!! [Edit Post]
posted on 8/16/07 10:25 am
Today is Thursday, August 16, which means it is exactly 2 weeks since my surgery! Hard to believe!! I'm still experiencing a little bit of pain, but I'd actually describe it as more of a general's nothing like the intense pain I had experienced previously. I haven't needed to take my pain meds since Friday and I've been up and about, walking, sipping and breathing. The one thing I will say though, is that I definitely miss chewing food. These protein shakes are driving me a little nuts and I can't wait to actually begin to chew food again. Only one more wee****il I switch to puree and believe me, I am excited for that! I'm recuperating with my family in NY and it's been really hard watching them eat all the time! I'm hanging in there though and still excited for the journey!
2-week post-op appointment [Edit Post]
posted on 8/18/07 9:00 am
Well first for the not-so-good news: I am completely and totally sick of protein shakes and I miss chewing real food :(
And now the good news: I had my 2 week post-op appointment at Barix yesterday and everything went well. I'm in significantly less pain than last week (and haven't needed my pain meds all week). I've been up and about, walking, sipping and breathing. And I've lost about 16 pounds since the day of my surgery! :)
So at my appointment today, I was given permission to add a couple of foods to what I'm drinking right now. I'm a little bit scared, but truthfully, I want to chew food so badly!
3 weeks out!!! [Edit Post]
posted on 8/23/07 6:37 pm
Today is Thursday, August 23, which means it is exactly 3 weeks since my surgery! And I also started eating pureed foods today!! Believe it or not, I tried the recipe for a pureed hamburger and it was actually pretty good!!! I'm heading back to Boston tomorrow and my classes start up again on Monday. I'm feeling good and ready to get back into the swing of things again, and hopefully, I won't have too much trouble managing the different phases that slowly introduce me to new foods.