OT - Remember to say I love you
I am with you Pam its always important to tell someone how much they mean to you because you never know where life takes you or them. Sorry you had such a bad night at work. But you are so right about this. BTW I put you and Liz on the prayer chain . Wouldn't it be funny if both of you got pregnant the same time and had the babes the same time?
Pam such true words....My Mom always mae sure she told us she loved us all the time and it is something as an adult I do as well..I end visits and phone conversations with family and friends and always say I love you ...I will even do those little things because I can to express my love for them ...
I love you all here as well....(ok almost everyone)
I love you all here as well....(ok almost everyone)
Well you are correct it would be unhuman to love every single person you cross paths with but those that I love know I love them and will move heaven on earth for them if I can ....My compassion level is higher now then it has been in years and part of that is the love and support that comes from these boards. 
There are many evels of love and at the end of the day I am grateful for everyone of those levels...

There are many evels of love and at the end of the day I am grateful for everyone of those levels...