***Super Cold Wednesday Roll Call***
Greetings Freezing People,
I am up late, trying to shake a headache/earache pain thingy. I left work early today to get home and take my painkillers. I could not function at work because of the pain. My ENT told me to take a few days off, till the swelling goes down and the earache goes away...and I am not arguing with him on this one. I ws of no use to the kids today.
Wednesday, I will rest, tidy, rest, tidy, pick up my sister's dog for a little visit, rest, and tidy. If I am up to it, I will go to my treatment group in the evening.
I hope you all have a more exciting day than me.
I am up late, trying to shake a headache/earache pain thingy. I left work early today to get home and take my painkillers. I could not function at work because of the pain. My ENT told me to take a few days off, till the swelling goes down and the earache goes away...and I am not arguing with him on this one. I ws of no use to the kids today.
Wednesday, I will rest, tidy, rest, tidy, pick up my sister's dog for a little visit, rest, and tidy. If I am up to it, I will go to my treatment group in the evening.
I hope you all have a more exciting day than me.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

I'm sorry you are still having such a difficult time Trish.
It's 4am and I should be sleeping. I work over night tonight and I need to sleep in this morning so I can make it over night. Came downstairs to get some MidNite pills. It's an herbal sleep aid I've found that works wonderful with no groggy feelings after. Its Melatonin with Lermon Balm, Camomile & Lavender. It's wonderful to put you to sleep or you can even take it in the middle of the night if you cant sleep and you'll be fine in the morning.
I'm babysitting the neighbor's minature pincher and she's up in bed with Dela. I think she's part of the reason I can't sleep because she likes to sleep under the covers right next to you.
Ok I'm going to head back up to bed. After I wake up today I'm going to clean and maybe run some errands. It's hubby's bday today so we will celebrate that and then I'll head back to work for my overnight shift.
Have a great Wednesday and stay warm.... the 60's are coming!
I'm sorry you are still having such a difficult time Trish.
It's 4am and I should be sleeping. I work over night tonight and I need to sleep in this morning so I can make it over night. Came downstairs to get some MidNite pills. It's an herbal sleep aid I've found that works wonderful with no groggy feelings after. Its Melatonin with Lermon Balm, Camomile & Lavender. It's wonderful to put you to sleep or you can even take it in the middle of the night if you cant sleep and you'll be fine in the morning.
I'm babysitting the neighbor's minature pincher and she's up in bed with Dela. I think she's part of the reason I can't sleep because she likes to sleep under the covers right next to you.
Ok I'm going to head back up to bed. After I wake up today I'm going to clean and maybe run some errands. It's hubby's bday today so we will celebrate that and then I'll head back to work for my overnight shift.
Have a great Wednesday and stay warm.... the 60's are coming!

It's cold in jersey too. *sigh*
I'll be headed to my parents house to have "dinner" in an hour or so....and then I'll be getting dressed in real people clothes and taking a trip to a store my uncle owns in the area, I need to pick up a gift for a cousin (un related to the side of the family who OWNS the store I might add) for the party we are going to on Saturday.
While I'm there I'm sure I will be spending some other time there just saying hello to everyone.
Then it will be to bed at the parents house and back to work 11p.
Nothing ooober exciting.
I'll be headed to my parents house to have "dinner" in an hour or so....and then I'll be getting dressed in real people clothes and taking a trip to a store my uncle owns in the area, I need to pick up a gift for a cousin (un related to the side of the family who OWNS the store I might add) for the party we are going to on Saturday.
While I'm there I'm sure I will be spending some other time there just saying hello to everyone.
Then it will be to bed at the parents house and back to work 11p.
Nothing ooober exciting.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Morning all!
I'm in a great mood today, and I'm not entirely sure why. I think it's because I had a VERY productive day at work yesterday, and I feel like I'm not behind the ball on a bunch of projects for the first time in a week or so.
It's cold, but not unbearable.
Tonight is Wedding Wednesday, so there's some phone calls to be made and work to be done!
Have a great day everybody.
I'm in a great mood today, and I'm not entirely sure why. I think it's because I had a VERY productive day at work yesterday, and I feel like I'm not behind the ball on a bunch of projects for the first time in a week or so.
It's cold, but not unbearable.
Tonight is Wedding Wednesday, so there's some phone calls to be made and work to be done!
Have a great day everybody.
Good morning.
I got most of my clothes moved, sorted and gone through last night, so I don't have much to do for that.
After work, I plan to go visit my neice. she ended up in critical care last thursday with high fevers. First they say Menengitis, now she isn't getting better and they are testing for a ton of other things. She is scared, and feeling down in the dumps. this is the first day she is not "infectious" so I can finally go in and see her. they wouldn't let preggos in before and I understand. but I felt terrible not visiting her.
After that, I will go home and begin cleaning out the last few items I can in that room so we can start moving Riley's stuff into it. We still don't have rooms rearranged and baby will be here before we know it!
Hope everyone has a great day.
I got most of my clothes moved, sorted and gone through last night, so I don't have much to do for that.
After work, I plan to go visit my neice. she ended up in critical care last thursday with high fevers. First they say Menengitis, now she isn't getting better and they are testing for a ton of other things. She is scared, and feeling down in the dumps. this is the first day she is not "infectious" so I can finally go in and see her. they wouldn't let preggos in before and I understand. but I felt terrible not visiting her.
After that, I will go home and begin cleaning out the last few items I can in that room so we can start moving Riley's stuff into it. We still don't have rooms rearranged and baby will be here before we know it!
Hope everyone has a great day.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Good Morning all!!
Trish sorry you still feel crummy!
I am battling a sinus infection but it seems to be getting better slowly.
I am at work today, and un-like Norm I am buried in a pile of projects with no hope of digging out any time soon! It is so overwhelming so I am taking one project at a time today with out interruption! it's the only way that anything is going to get done - hopefully I am caught up by the end of the day.
After work I need to run into Lowe's to get some seed starting mix so I can start the hosta seeds I ordered so they are ready to plant in the spring (which "officially" is 2 weeks from friday). I'll then go home and make dinner and relax.
Have a great day all!
Trish sorry you still feel crummy!
I am battling a sinus infection but it seems to be getting better slowly.
I am at work today, and un-like Norm I am buried in a pile of projects with no hope of digging out any time soon! It is so overwhelming so I am taking one project at a time today with out interruption! it's the only way that anything is going to get done - hopefully I am caught up by the end of the day.
After work I need to run into Lowe's to get some seed starting mix so I can start the hosta seeds I ordered so they are ready to plant in the spring (which "officially" is 2 weeks from friday). I'll then go home and make dinner and relax.
Have a great day all!
Good morning all - feel better soon, Trish - maybe with the little bit of warming coming this weekend it will help.
I'm up and at work - quiet in here so far since I'm the only one in! Not sure what's on my agenda for today - I'll find something to fill it. Boss is on vacation so things are kind of slow for me right now. Have some electronic filing to clean up - probably work on that today.
Hubby's daughter from Georgia is coming up tomorrow for a short visit - I haven't seen her in almost 20 years - its been about 5 or 6 for him, so he's really excited. Should be a busy weekend iwth her around - she's coming with her hubby and 13 year old daughter.
Tonight is book club at my development - I had been in it a couple of years ago but dropped out when my mom got so sick. I'm excited about going back to it - not thrilled about going back out in the cold, but I'll go anyway.
That's about it for me today - nothing too exciting as you can plainly see.
I'm up and at work - quiet in here so far since I'm the only one in! Not sure what's on my agenda for today - I'll find something to fill it. Boss is on vacation so things are kind of slow for me right now. Have some electronic filing to clean up - probably work on that today.
Hubby's daughter from Georgia is coming up tomorrow for a short visit - I haven't seen her in almost 20 years - its been about 5 or 6 for him, so he's really excited. Should be a busy weekend iwth her around - she's coming with her hubby and 13 year old daughter.
Tonight is book club at my development - I had been in it a couple of years ago but dropped out when my mom got so sick. I'm excited about going back to it - not thrilled about going back out in the cold, but I'll go anyway.
That's about it for me today - nothing too exciting as you can plainly see.