Upmc Magee
There was confusion with the pre-op diet. I was told to be on soft liquids the 2 days before and then liquid the day off.... Then when I got diarehea (sp) I called in to find out if I could take something for it. She asked why I had it... I said because I was on all liquid and the nurse told me to start eating. She didnt know who I had talked to but they wanted me to eat normally till 8PM the night before surgery and then to go onto clear liquids to bed time and then nothing by mouth after midnight. Just make sure you find out exactly what is to be done. The nurse told me that Dr C never makes anyone do the pre-op liquid diet before surgery.
PS.. If you have any more questions feel free to contact me via board or private messages. Also you might want to read my blog from the beginning. I tried to post everything I went through from month to month.
PS.. If you have any more questions feel free to contact me via board or private messages. Also you might want to read my blog from the beginning. I tried to post everything I went through from month to month.
Didnt have my surgery at McGee but I do/did have UPMC insurance. Let me just tell you, my paperwork was submitted on Nov 5, 2008 and my surgery was scheduled for Nov 18, 2008; Got my approval on Nov 12th...My surgeon is/was Dr. Robert Quinlin...LOVE HIM! and I love UPMC...great insurance company. Just make sure you follow their guiedlines to the letter and DO NOT GAIN ANY WEIGHT and they will approve you. Let me clear that up, if your weight is 300 lbs at the beginning of your 6 month monitored diet and your last weigh in at the end of the 6 months is 300 or 301, they will NOT approve you...

Yes, I had my surgery with Dr. Quinlin that works out of UPMC St. Margaret's...Its up to you though...Do your research and make the decision that is right for you. If you have any questions about UPMC bariatric requirements, feel free to PM me and I will tell you about my experience with the whole process...