I am sick
Hang in there...you should be fine by the 20th.
Albert Schweitzer

I know how devestating it can be if your surgery does not go on the date as planned (mine was cancelled two weeks before the initial date) But if you are at all left over sick and they need to cancel please please PLEASE understand how important that is. If you have any "junk" in your lungs and have surgery there is a very very VERY real possibility of you getting pneumonia and not being able to heal properly causing a lot of problems in your recovery.
Feel better all the same, I'll be thinking good thoughts for you!

Hope you are already feeling better!!
PS - LOTS of fluids - have you tried Vicks? Pam swears by putting it on your chest, putting on a hoodie, also put it on your feet, then put on socks and BED!
Watch using the antibiotic wipes, the reason we get sicker and more often these days is the overuse of those crazy antibiotic things. I work in a lab and I can tell you that NOT being exposed to things leaves us MORE prone to get sick. Our bodies aren't used to the exposure and so WHAM we get whatever comes down the pike. Think about it, when we were kids our parents didn't wipe down everything, they told us to go wash our hands and our faces. If we ate something dirty, our mom's would say "You eat a pound of dirt in your lifetime so might as well do it all at once and get it over with". Were we sick everytime we turned around? NO!! We lived with the dirt in the air from the mills (Beaver and Allegheny Counties) and we weren't sick all the time (could be why I had so many sinus infections tho' but nothing like pneumonia). Just do the normal, don't take antibiotics for EVERYTHING, if it is a cold or virus it isn't going to help anyways and drink LOTS of fluids and get LOTS of sleep..................restful, healing sleep (no TV, no phone, no 'puter)