Boys, don't get your tighty whities in a wad.... am not going to do any male bashing....just some good humored sharing of my day which was literally touched by so many men....(boys can be so sensitive LOL...but don't tell them I said so
I had a long, painful day....never did get to read much of the boards today...will have to catch up tomorrow or over the weekend....anyway.....
I started my day off at Quest getting labs a man...who had to repeatedly poke me until he got it right...I love looking like I've been shooting up in both arms. Nothing like starting your day with a needle digging around in your arms looking for a vein. Of course, these labs were ordered by a man who wouldnt accept the same labs I had done a week ago for another doctor because they were done ONE day beyond the accepted cut off for the plastic surgery I am having in 3 weeks. (ok...not really his doing, its the hospitals policy, but it goes with my "Men!" theme and I am sure a man came up with the policy to begin with
Work...mostly I was safe for most of those 8 hours, except for the UPS man and his handtruck that I tripped over going out the door and that was my fault because I was looking at him and not where I was going. I never said I was graceful....
After work, it's off to sparring class....there are 5 men (4 of which are high level brown and black belts)....and me, the queen of sissy girl fighting. It dawned on me tonight that I feel like one of the 3 stooges....not something to aspire too..... They (men...of course) must have decided it was time to stop being "nice" to me and beat the crap out of me......I left with a bloody fat lip from getting punched so hard that the metal "cage" that is supposed to protect my face, was rammed into my lip....a huge purple lump on my forearm that now has long red bruises that look like a hand print...although, I swear it was from a kick.....a stubbed toe, and a pulled muscle in my butt....not really sure how I pulled a butt muscle! I am proud to say though, that I kneed one of them in the groin big time....didn't mean to do it, but damn if it didn't make me smile LOL Thank God for the sparring gear, cause I would hate to see what I'd look like if we didn't wear it. On a good note, no one punched me in the boobs or kicked me in the crotch this time and I didn't have an asthma attack like I did last week! Yay me !! As hard as it is, I really do love it more and more each week. And let me tell you....we are all drenched in sweat by the end...its a great work out.
So, it's 8:30 PM before I get home. I am tired and sore and wanting to do nothing but take a hot shower...and what do I walk in to??? A rug covered in dog diarrhea from who other than my MALE dog! Think about how much diarrhea a 200 pound dog can produce...... I'd like to know what he ate that made him sick.....he thanked me for cleaning up after him (and not yelling at him LOL) by flinging a big line of drool into my mouth as I yawned. You gotta love him though
Any one want to dog sit for me? 
I am hoping the lingering stench of dog **** and the fat lip are gone by morning......
But you know what...I will go to bed with a smile on my face because, 3 years ago...I wouldn't have dreamed I would be at a place where i was ready for plastic surgery....nor would I have looked a man in the eyes long enough to trip over his equipment....nor would I have been doing something as physical as sparring or karate in a class setting....Of course, Tucker wouldn't have **** all over the rug, because I would have been sitting home on the sofa all night and I would have been there to let him out so he didn't have to be sick in the house (ok, so him getting the ****s isn't a good thing, but you get the point), all in all, it was a pretty good day!

I had a long, painful day....never did get to read much of the boards today...will have to catch up tomorrow or over the weekend....anyway.....
I started my day off at Quest getting labs a man...who had to repeatedly poke me until he got it right...I love looking like I've been shooting up in both arms. Nothing like starting your day with a needle digging around in your arms looking for a vein. Of course, these labs were ordered by a man who wouldnt accept the same labs I had done a week ago for another doctor because they were done ONE day beyond the accepted cut off for the plastic surgery I am having in 3 weeks. (ok...not really his doing, its the hospitals policy, but it goes with my "Men!" theme and I am sure a man came up with the policy to begin with

Work...mostly I was safe for most of those 8 hours, except for the UPS man and his handtruck that I tripped over going out the door and that was my fault because I was looking at him and not where I was going. I never said I was graceful....
After work, it's off to sparring class....there are 5 men (4 of which are high level brown and black belts)....and me, the queen of sissy girl fighting. It dawned on me tonight that I feel like one of the 3 stooges....not something to aspire too..... They (men...of course) must have decided it was time to stop being "nice" to me and beat the crap out of me......I left with a bloody fat lip from getting punched so hard that the metal "cage" that is supposed to protect my face, was rammed into my lip....a huge purple lump on my forearm that now has long red bruises that look like a hand print...although, I swear it was from a kick.....a stubbed toe, and a pulled muscle in my butt....not really sure how I pulled a butt muscle! I am proud to say though, that I kneed one of them in the groin big time....didn't mean to do it, but damn if it didn't make me smile LOL Thank God for the sparring gear, cause I would hate to see what I'd look like if we didn't wear it. On a good note, no one punched me in the boobs or kicked me in the crotch this time and I didn't have an asthma attack like I did last week! Yay me !! As hard as it is, I really do love it more and more each week. And let me tell you....we are all drenched in sweat by the end...its a great work out.
So, it's 8:30 PM before I get home. I am tired and sore and wanting to do nothing but take a hot shower...and what do I walk in to??? A rug covered in dog diarrhea from who other than my MALE dog! Think about how much diarrhea a 200 pound dog can produce...... I'd like to know what he ate that made him sick.....he thanked me for cleaning up after him (and not yelling at him LOL) by flinging a big line of drool into my mouth as I yawned. You gotta love him though

I am hoping the lingering stench of dog **** and the fat lip are gone by morning......
But you know what...I will go to bed with a smile on my face because, 3 years ago...I wouldn't have dreamed I would be at a place where i was ready for plastic surgery....nor would I have looked a man in the eyes long enough to trip over his equipment....nor would I have been doing something as physical as sparring or karate in a class setting....Of course, Tucker wouldn't have **** all over the rug, because I would have been sitting home on the sofa all night and I would have been there to let him out so he didn't have to be sick in the house (ok, so him getting the ****s isn't a good thing, but you get the point), all in all, it was a pretty good day!

LMAO!! You really need to write a book! You have such a way with words!
Tucker can come visit my yard anytime! and I'm with Pam - I wanna see that UPS man!
woohooo with the PS too! I didn't realize that you had choosen someone! So exciting!
PS - lets hope that today is a better, man-less day!
PPS I should have added that I work with 20 men and 4 women... and most of my clients are MEN
Tucker can come visit my yard anytime! and I'm with Pam - I wanna see that UPS man!

woohooo with the PS too! I didn't realize that you had choosen someone! So exciting!
PS - lets hope that today is a better, man-less day!
PPS I should have added that I work with 20 men and 4 women... and most of my clients are MEN
I would love to help you but your dogs **** is probably bigger then mt dogs and I wouldn't know how to handle it.
what a trying day you had. you are a gluten for punishment in Karate class but this year you can do it 3 years ago you would have gotten out of breath jus****ching them do it. hang in there and beat the crap out of them. when you are sparrring just of the man you really can't stand and you can do it
what a trying day you had. you are a gluten for punishment in Karate class but this year you can do it 3 years ago you would have gotten out of breath jus****ching them do it. hang in there and beat the crap out of them. when you are sparrring just of the man you really can't stand and you can do it