honest opinion please...
I want to ask you " you are joking right?" but I know you arent. Look at the MM video it is very good and talks all about Body Image Distortions. Here is the thing, it does not matter whether we think you look fat or not. We dont but that does not matter. What matters is what you think.
What you think and what you see needs to be tweaked obviously.
That " I look fat in this picture" behavior and emotion comes from fear. It is a projection of fear that we have or will gain back weight. It does not have much to do with what we are seeing in a picture or the mirror.
Use this as a learning experience. See that there is anxiety there, and it is coming out with criticism of your image in a that picture. This is a sign that you need to do some work there,
It is not a bad thing. It is just information. Use it to your advantage.
good luck
you are soo not fat LOL
What you think and what you see needs to be tweaked obviously.
That " I look fat in this picture" behavior and emotion comes from fear. It is a projection of fear that we have or will gain back weight. It does not have much to do with what we are seeing in a picture or the mirror.
Use this as a learning experience. See that there is anxiety there, and it is coming out with criticism of your image in a that picture. This is a sign that you need to do some work there,
It is not a bad thing. It is just information. Use it to your advantage.
good luck
you are soo not fat LOL
Cheryl - You look beautiful!! I am with you though - the FIRST thing that I see is what I call my flub - I still carry my weight right above my belly button and around - my "spare tire" No one else notices it and Chris always tells me that I am crazy but it is the first thing that I see in pictures and in the mirror.
YOu look great chickie!!
YOu look great chickie!!
You know I recently was told that if you are fat you can lose weight but if you are ugly there is no cure for that. So keep that in mind the next time you feel "crappy", You really are a beautiful person inside and out. I hope you make it to the next Saturday Barix meeting I will look you up but you know what I might not even recognize you since you are THE AMAZING SHRINKING WOMAN!!!
You know I recently was told that if you are fat you can lose weight but if you are ugly there is no cure for that. So keep that in mind the next time you feel "crappy", You really are a beautiful person inside and out. I hope you make it to the next Saturday Barix meeting I will look you up but you know what I might not even recognize you since you are THE AMAZING SHRINKING WOMAN!!!
First of all I love the new avatar!
Second of all do I think you look fat? Not in a million years.
Do I understand the body dismorphia though? Absolutely. I have days like that almost every day and it drives me nuts. Hold that picture up to one of your before pictures my dear and realize that you have come a LONG way from where you are right now.
I looked at brian the other day and said "My hips are WIDE" and said, "No, your WAIST is SMALL - you just aren't used to your new proportions yet my dear" And I *think* he's right. Do I really believe him? Well, not REALLY but what I can say about him is that he is ALWAYS truthful with things when it comes to me dressing and what not. He's mostly very tactful about it - and he IS a fashionista when it comes to women's fashions so he'll tell me to change out a pair of jeans for another one or a top or add this pin here or whatever....so I know he's right. Even if I can't see it.
Only you can work on this. We can tell you how good you look - but it doesn't matter if you don't see it.
Keep trying.
Second of all do I think you look fat? Not in a million years.
Do I understand the body dismorphia though? Absolutely. I have days like that almost every day and it drives me nuts. Hold that picture up to one of your before pictures my dear and realize that you have come a LONG way from where you are right now.
I looked at brian the other day and said "My hips are WIDE" and said, "No, your WAIST is SMALL - you just aren't used to your new proportions yet my dear" And I *think* he's right. Do I really believe him? Well, not REALLY but what I can say about him is that he is ALWAYS truthful with things when it comes to me dressing and what not. He's mostly very tactful about it - and he IS a fashionista when it comes to women's fashions so he'll tell me to change out a pair of jeans for another one or a top or add this pin here or whatever....so I know he's right. Even if I can't see it.
Only you can work on this. We can tell you how good you look - but it doesn't matter if you don't see it.
Keep trying.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.