****Thursday Roll Call****
Actually, it is 12:30ish and I am up because I cannot sleep. My headache and earache are bothering me still. The earache is sinus pressure from my poor inflamed sinuses healing from the surgery. I am hoping to get some relief in a few days, or cry till I don't know what. Anywho, I am up, and will be returning to bed post-haste.
Thursday has me returning to work, and hopefully getting healthier and stronger. We'll see what reality says in the evening. After work, I have an allergist appointment and then hopefully group. If I am too wiped out, group will have to wait till next week.
I hope everyone has a great day. Stay healthy and grateful.
Albert Schweitzer

Yaaawwwwn. Mornin! I'm up early. I have a three hour appointment at nine with vocational rehabilitation testings. I am trying to figure out what to do the rest of my life with a bumm hand. Anyway, after that I have a knitting club appointment that I may be late for. This afternoon we have an appointment with a financial estate planning person. We really need Wills and Power of Attorneys set up. After that, it's rest.
Hope you feel better soon!
Today has me at work - I am wiped out and the project that we were supposed to finish up this morning is a diaster! The customer is going to scream at my and my boss isn't going to be happy - what can I do - nothing - just sit here beating myself up over it! I am already moody and emotional - I don't need either of them yelling at me.
After work I need to stop at Lowe's and the dollar store then home to crawl in bed - this is turning into the week from hell!
Not much on my agenda for tonight, either - man, talk about needing a life!!
After that it's home to make a birthday dinner. McCoy turns 11 on saturday but he will be with his dad. So tonight I am making his favorite dinner, (steaks on the grill, mashed potatoes, and broccoli w/ cheese) then we will have cake candles and he gets his gift. An iPod I swore I wasn't going to get him but he has been so responsible with his inexpensive one, that I thought I would go ahead and get him a good one.
After that it will be showers and bed...............Have a great day.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Tonight is my last freaking night of a total of 7 in a row, 5 of them 12 hour shifts. I'm definately wiped and definately realizing I can't play guilty party and go to the perdiem work 2 or 3 days out of every week. I had originally told them 2 nights every two weeks - but it has turned into 2 or 3 nights EVERY week because I feel like I need to be there due to their struggles with staffing. Really - not my problem. But then that voice in the back of my head perks up....the pay is really good....blah blah blah
Hubby is in my bed by the way....it's really "our" bed but during the day I call it MY bed...and I'm not used to "sharing" it with anybody as we sleep separately most days due to my work schedule. The boy better get up soon!
Hugs to all,

I am at work today, it was hard to leave home, but I made arrangements for someone to look in on Dillinger today, as it is my first day back to work since last Friday and I have asked my employers to please allow me a little bit of freedom to make sure that Dillinger is never left alone for more than a normal 8 hour period, until such time as I can resume my full work schedule, so perhaps this economy is a blessing for the moment, as I don't believe my leaving 1.5 hours earlier a day or two a week will make a whole hill beans difference to anyone. Anyway, I do appreciate all the kind support from all of you at this very sad time for me, I am trying to find gratitude in that I got to bring my boy home and saw a spark of the dog he had been up until last week and pray that I get some more days like yesterday before the end comes.
To talk about something happy in my life, my son returns home on Saturday and he and his family will be going back into their home when he returns, as my DIL has been living in her parents home and I know my son cannot wait to be in his house. It will be wonderful to have some of my family nearby again. . .
Well I hope that you are experiencing some of the warmer weather that is supposed to be here, albeit briefly, please Spring arrive, I've had enough of the cold. . .
Hugs, prayers and positive thoughts to any and all in need,
Kind regards, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland