Novasure anyone?
Did anyone have this done? I just had to have a biopsy today and as long as it is normal then I am getting this procedure. They will remove the lining of my uterus and hopefully I will never had a period again. I heard that periods are better after gastric. I lost 115 in 7 months so you would think it would mess it up a bit but nope, not me. If anyone had this done I would love to hear some feedback.
I had it. It's wonderful. I used to hemmorage when I had a period and they lasted for weeks only to turn around and have another one. It's been 4 years since I had mine done and I've only had 2 periods at the very beginning. Havent had one since. Dr said I should "gracefully go through menopause" before the lining had a chance to grow back and cause more periods.
hey tracey - i didnt have novasue but i got mirena - whihc is an iud. and i LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I BARLEY BLEED AT ALL. I DID BLEED FOR ABOUT 2 MONTHS STRAIGHT WHEN I FIRST GOT IT DOMNE BUT SINCE THEN ITS SO LIGHT - ITS BARELY NONEXISTENT. i woud recommend it everyone -if your insurance covers it. you can hav eit removed if you decde you want to get pregnant. maybe this is an option fo ryou. but i do suggest you look into to it.