Way OT! But I am so relieved!
So my situation may seem confusing. I never really explained it. Never felt the need to. But.......
My hubby and I seperated over 3 years ago. I had moved out. He kept the house, we have agreeable arrangements with the kids, etc. But it has been over 3 years and we are still MARRIED. UGH..............
I met my wonderful Johnny 2 years ago and we have been together ever since. The "hubby" has moved on and is actually engaged to someone. It's just been a back and forth about filing for divorce, the cost, who is gonna pay......etc.
I feel like we are divorced, but technically......I have a husband and a boyfriend.........YIKES!
So today, I bit the bullet, spent an "ungodly" amount of money on a lawyer and the papers are filed. I will oficially be divorced in approx 90 days. I am so glad I got this over with. I wish I would have sooner. I am so glad this chapter will be closed and I can officially move on. Not that I will ever marry again, but staying married to someone I haven't even lived in the same home with for over 3 years is ridiculous..........LOL
So just kinda venting and sharing in my wierd news that has put me in a good mood today.......LOL
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Its what happens sometimes. But im glad i have Kelley. He is a wonderful man. Ony different between you and I. IS I'm getting married again!!
Good luck with everything!!
Glad you feel relieved by the situation and that you are moving on "freely" now!

I wish the same for you in this situation. In the years to come, hopefully you'll look back on the "timeline" and chuckle about it.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!