I came across a pair of glasses that I wore a few years ago.. I had to buy new frames because these became too large for my face as I lost weight.. The total cost of the glasses were over $250 so I would really prefer not to toss them in the trash. If anyone here can use the frames, you're more than welcome to take them, free of charge. You would just need to get new lenses with your own prescription of course but it's my understanding that you can get replacement lenses through Walmart Optical at a very reasonable and inexpensive cost.
The frames are Safilo Elasta, oval shaped metal with spring hinges. The color is a mix of brown and bronze tortoise. They're very nice glasses but unfortunately I couldn't find the exact frames online to show you what they look like. They look very similar to the ones below though.
The frames are Safilo Elasta, oval shaped metal with spring hinges. The color is a mix of brown and bronze tortoise. They're very nice glasses but unfortunately I couldn't find the exact frames online to show you what they look like. They look very similar to the ones below though.

R K.
on 2/23/09 6:02 pm
on 2/23/09 6:02 pm
If you can`t find a taker local Lions Clubs collect eyeglasses and hearing aids to refurbish for the needy. K-mart in Wind Gap used to have a yellow drop box near the entrance.
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch