I HATE WINTER - need some prayers and positive thoughts
ALright - so I am in panic mode - chris has been sick all day - started last night. I think that it is the flu - normally nothing to worry about right? Well he was just complaining of burining up - so I took his temp 103! It was 101.5 this morning - I have been pumping him with fluids and mortin. I just placed a call to his on-call Dr because he was complaining of slight shortness of breath (he described it as a chest cold feeling), he is coughing, achy and freezing.
I am a worrier from way back - I gave him 2 more motrin at 7 and tucked him into bed - I told him that I am waking him at 8 to take it again - if it hasn't gone down I don't know what to do.
I did call Pam and leave her a message (sorry sweetie - I Didn't know what else to do), also called my Mom. I hope that we can get it down and don't have to go to the ER tonight - but if that's what it takes we'll go!
This has me super flustered - not really sure why, I usually handle this stuff really well - but I am almost on the verge of tears!
THanks for listening to me ramble.
Hope your hubby feels better soon.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
I am going to take a nice hot shower and pop 2 tylenol myself I feel a headache coming on then go to bed - hopefully by then it is 9pm and I can take his temp again - thank god he has his own thermometor and we don't have to share for my daily temping!
Thanks again Jo! We know that sick men (sorry guys) are generally like 2 year olds. lol
Oh - and now that I am thinking clearly - if the temp isn't going down you can give him two extra strength tylenol (they are 500mg each for a total of 1000mg) every 6 hours OR THREE regular tylenol (they are 325 each for a total of 975mg) every 6 hours. The motrin can be given every 4 hours, 4 tablets each for a total of 800mg of motrin.
With a temp like that don't be surprised if when it breaks he soaks through the sheets and what not - it'll cause quite the sweating fest!
Good luck!
732-739-5924 is the number to the ER where I will be working 11-7 tonight if you need anything.