Brian could use some good thoughts....
I have some sad news.
We found out right before I left for work Saturday evening that Brian's great Aunt succumbed to her cancer and passed away. She wasn't expected to make it past Christmas so this was a long time coming.
Of course....his mom said preliminarily the funeral is scheduled for when else, but this coming Saturday. Why it's taking a week I have no freaking idea. This throws off everything...up to and including his surprise bday party. Which really sucks...4 years ago on his bday he admitted his mom into a drug rehab....3 years ago on his bday he got laid off because his company closed...2years ago on his bday one of my uncles passed away...last year the week before his bday one of his parents had surgery (I forget which one) and he spent his actual bday playing nurses aid at his parents house...and this year is his 35th bday and I had wanted to make it just a little happy and a little special....and now we'll probably be at a funeral :(
And of course....if it is on Saturday I won't be at Liz's either.

Oh, and it is 11am on Saturday - so I definately won't be able to make the cooking class. I do already have most of the ingredients for the two salads, depending on how my Friday goes, I may drop it off at your house Friday evening or Saturday morning if that is ok.


Why don't we just officially change the date of his birthday so he doesn't have these terrible things associated with it? I'll start the official process right now:
We, the members of the PA OH board, do hereby accept to change Brian Podeszwa's birthday to [insert date of your choice, here]. On this date, no bad things are allowed to happen. This date is reserved specifically to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of this man who means so much to our dear friend Pam.
Such action is signed into acceptance and OH law by the following members of the OH board.
Lisa Hunt
sign name and pass along