Shock and Happy News...
I posted this on my blog... and wanted to share the news here... so I am just cutting and pasting the posts over... yes being lazy...
but what I am about to tell you all is private… and not to be shared with anyone… nothing said on facebook either… I know that some of you have already figured this out… and some I have told… but Jeremy and I have gotten a bit of a surprise… and I am sure a bunch of you will yell at me for not quiting my job… but that is how bad we need the money… because around Labor Day we are going to get a new tax deduction…
So, again… please don’t share this info… Jeremy doesn’t want to tell work yet… and my work doesn’t know either… also… NO FACEBOOK comments PLEASE…
Now here is part two... if you can help with any ideas on how to up my calories... please let me know...
On Tuesday besides finding out that my car was dead… CareMark decided to make my life even worse… I swear the company is controlled by the devil… I hate them!! I was a Z Pack last week to help clear out this sinus infection and I needed to go back on the refill… well i called at 12 to fill the refill… went in just before I had to go back to work and the drug store said they couldn’t give it to me… they said the insurance co wouldn’t give it to me for another 25 days… WHAT… that is just crap… they never called me at home to say there was a problem… my pcp was now closed… and the on call doc was a doc from a different practice and wouldn’t help me… ARGH! So, I had to wait till the next day and I called and told my doc what happened… he was livid… and their insurance specialist went to work to fix this problem… well Weds went by… nada… Thursdays comes and still hadn’t heard anything… so I called and they said they will have a z pact in the office come get it… they couldn’t give it to me at my 10 buck co-pay… but it was 23 bucks… but I would have my drugs… so Jeremy picked it up on his way home from work… so now i have my antibotics… so I hope that this will make me sinus infection free soon… and in turn help my asthma…
Ok, on the car front… we have amazing family… my dad was willing to drive out and co-sign a loan for a used car (banks around here are being super super picky)… but before my dad drove out Jeremy wanted to talk to his dad… his dad said he would let us borrow money off their home equity… at a better rate than what a bank would of gave us… so we took it… we had to pay a little… so money is a little tight till payday… but, I think we will do ok… I am hoping and praying… but we got a 2001 Ford Windstar LX… yes a mini van… so we might travel more to see my family lol… Lore calls it a truck… lol but she loves it… it is blue… and I will try to take photos of it tomorrow… I’m just so shocked… happy but shocked lol…
Today was also my first appointment with my high risk doc… looks like this baby doesn’t like ultrasounds either… Lore never was good during them… this one wouldn’t move it’s neck a certain way for some measurement lol… I had to cough (well that came easy), lay on my side, tech bounced the US wand on my bladder oh i mean the baby… nothing… but it would wake for a few and move and then back to sleep… heart rate was at 178… so they were happy with that… the tech kept calling the baby a girl lol… I can’t even make my appointment for the finding out the sex of the baby yet… they only do one month in advance… so I might make it so my mom can come with me… and maybe my MIL… not sure yet…
But this is the hard part of this visit… I have to eat 2000 calories… how… I will be eating all day… the doc also doesn’t want me to gain any weight… and I think I can do that… might be hard since I can’t work out at the gym… but my BIL, Trevor, has weights at the in-laws so I can still lift… but no restrictions on workouts for now… and since I can’t do that nasty sugar drink test (cheer) I will get 6 blood tests… fasting… go eat… come back 2 hours later do 2nd part of blood test… done at 20 weeks, 24, and 28… so this should be interesting…
But, I am off to lay on the couch and watch Monk… my neck hurts so bad from all this coughing… oh yeah… I coughed so much and so hard today at Target I peed myself… I had to buy new jeans and undies before my high risk appointment so not what i wanted to do with my money… but I got them a size bigger so I have jeans that fit now… lol… oh yeah more and more pants don’t fit…
Congrats on all fronts
I dont know how you roll but I would have no problem getting in 2000 calories these days unfortunately.
They need to be good cals as well healthy so i would just add more proteins and good fats
maybe a protein shake, not sure what you like.
I did find a solution to my body totally not liking veggies and fruits right now... MonaVie... a friend hooks me up... I had the opposite problem when I was pregnant with Lore... I could eat all the fruits and veggies that I couldn't normally eat lol....
I'm hoping that I can make it to Liz's thing next weekend... that is if I don't fall asleep lol... I swear all I do is sleep, cough, eat, and pee lol...
I empathize with the sinus infections. I just had the surgery because I could not kick mine for months. Doc finally saw polyps too.
Anywho, back to you. I hope you will be able to get the rest and fluids you need. Those two are the most important things for you.
Albert Schweitzer

i think the top pic looks like a cat sitting down looking with the head on the right side. lol ok i have very active imagination i find stuff in the clouds too. congrats again
327/307/192 (-135 lbs)
consult/day of surgery/current

With all I've been going through the last couple of days, reading your post was something wonderful. I wish you and your family the best, somehow things always work out. What you learn later in life is that there will always be money problems (for many of us) and that in reality they are not problems at all, you simply learn to adapt and stretch and find creative ways to make it through. So I hope a truck full of money gets lost at your door, but it sounds llike you have riches that can't be bought at any store. So heres to good wishes that Labor Day finds you with your labor of love, babies are precious.
Positive thoughts, prayers and hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland