Diabetisweet at Target!
I was in the Target in Warrington, PA last night and they have both the diabetisweet white and brown sugars for $6.99 a box. Now this is great in a pinch or to try it - if you are a "serious user" like me then it is still cheaper to get it from vitacost.com - it is $4.99 a box there with a flat rate shipping of $4.99 - I usually order 10 boxes at a time so I am still saving money.
Oh and it was with the diabetic products in the pharmacy department - not with the pregnancy tests and condoms like Giant! lol
Now see THAT'S a store that knows what it is doing!!!
To be fair, I guess...Giant does have a very small diabetic area in that department...consisting of sugar meters, a few bottles of ensure, and the diabeti sweet. But really...most of it is just the BC and testing strips.
I still giggle every time I walk by it. And they don't have the brown.
To be fair, I guess...Giant does have a very small diabetic area in that department...consisting of sugar meters, a few bottles of ensure, and the diabeti sweet. But really...most of it is just the BC and testing strips.
I still giggle every time I walk by it. And they don't have the brown.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Thanks Liz, my butt will be there tuesday night as I am kind of stuck here resting my shoulder and hubby is yelling at me to stop running around that was after he found out I was at the farm today to see the horses and he told me don't even think about riding and I told him it was kinda hard to do since I can't use my left arm at all. Now that I would pay to see me be able to do today. How about that?