If you dump just looking at sugar, do not read!!
Well, I went to the link that someone posted (sorry, I forget now which poster it was!), but it wouldn't let me right click to copy and paste. So I highlighted the photo, then went to the "edit" menu at the top of my screen (the Windows menu) and selected "copy", and then pasted it into my post. Tricky, huh?

Super easy to do. My sisters made them for their girls. Put the cake batter into a metal mixing bowl and bake. After cooling, invert the bowl to make the skirt (cut the cake in half and icing middle of course), jab a half naked barbie in the middle and decorate her dress. Fun project for a grownup girl who still likes to play with barbies...

Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)