need some feedback
I sure my mean girls are sleeping right now so i wont bother them.
but i was upstairs doing laundry and all of a sudden i got this sharp stabbing pain under my right rib cage. omg it hurt sooo bad! i fell to the floor. felt like labor pains but faster and sharper, my husband heard me making sounds and got scared and started asking me if he had to call for help, i said no, then i scrapped myself off the floor few mins later and it was all over with,
does anyone have any idea of wth happened?? i had similar episode around xmas time at work and dr. p said to tell her if it happens again. and i will, my husband has appt with her tomorrow at 1pm, i just wanted to check here tonight see if anyone else felt like this before.
327/307/192 (-135 lbs)
consult/day of surgery/current

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland