Another Great Meeting
Just some thoughts.
I look forward to the next meeting on Saturday and I am getting to recognize some people. Please don't take anything I said the wrong way. I do find the meetings helpful and it is nice to be in a room with people who've been where I am. I would just like to have some more discussion time.
God bless you all and see you soon.
Most Wednesday night meetings arestarted with a discussion topic and Dennis throws something out, or someone asks a question which people respond to or the nutritionist does.
I don't know which person you were last night, because your name isn't in your signature, but you will become part of the group.
Post your picture here, or at least your name so we can begin to put a name and a face together the next time we see you at a meeting.
I hope to see you again soon, either the next saturday meeting, or at one of the interim meetings at someone's house.

I'm Kristin. I was the one who came in late. With the Thing 1 shirt on. I've tried to upload pictures but the file sizes are too big. I'll keep trying. You were sitting across from me.
Please don't get me wrong. I enjoy hearing peoples stories and seeing their successes. I just have so many questions and by the time it got around to me last night I didn't want to monopolize time.
I really think that a quick Hi my name is so and so and I'm x amount of time post op from my whatever procedure I had and I'm down x amount of pounds would suffice.
When I think of a support group I think of people talking about topics that concern them. Whatever the common thread that drew them to the meeting in the first place.
Like what we did at the Saturday meeting. I found that so so helpful and I really had a chance to meet people and also exchanged a couple of numbers.
Speaking for myself only, I didn't really benefit from Wednesdays meeting. Everyone seems really nice. It just wasn't what I expected from a support group meeting.
Still looking forward to the next one.
Hi Kristin,
Everyone's ideas and concerns are always appreciated. This meeting belongs to you and all who attend so if there are things you need and want don't hesitate to bring them up. There's no reason to feel like you're monopolizing because we are all here to hear. We are limited on a weekday night and depending on how many we have (and we're used to many more) determines what can get done. I know it takes time for everyone to get used to coming and the people there but always feel free to speak your mind. I will always defend your right to gripe or celebrate. As far as the introductions from last night my intention was not to have it take up the meeting time but it does give everyone an opportunity to speak and bring up issues during their time. It also gets everyone familiar with everyone else. Over time I've offered different methods for the meetings like asking for different topics ahead of time and choosing a few. In the past much of what has been discussed and has helped the most is patients feeling comfortable enough to raise issues, share with the group and even show their emotions. The benefit for you last night was being there, being seen, sharing your personal journey with the group and having the chance to speak your mind today. All things can't be achieved in 1 meeting, but if you keep coming the possibilities are endless.
The 1st Saturday meetings came out of a need for more. More time, more groups, more intimacy, more leaders. That will continue and I hope to see you there at many meetings in the future.
Have a great month Kristin,
I am glad you expressed your opinion on what you feel works for you and what didn't work for you. I can tell you that Dennis will always listen to what we are feeling and feels why he is the Leader of the Post-OP meeting he wants to try and make everyone happy with the way it goes. As he said that meetin gis our meeting not his meeting..Yet on the flip side you put 40-100 (sometimes ) people in a room someone will always be unhappy on the way things went. Then again if no one speaks up about he can not make changes and I do know you were not the only not happy with the intro time last night.
Like Angela had said we do NOT always go around the room to do introductions that way that was something new to us as well because the group had really gotten to large to do introductions. The format of the Wednesday meeting is not the same as we Support on Saturdays but you will take something away from every meeting. I am glad you enjoyed the Saturday meeting and felt you got information to help you (ok I am a little happy because I was your leader on that Saturday) ...Yet dont give up we will always hear you out.
Yet may I suggest.....
As you said you didn't hang around when everyone was chatting afterwards that was the time you should have hung around just approach anyone and introduce yourself say hello ask anything you may have a need to have an answer for if the person you don't know doesn't have an answer they will say Hey so & so don't you know and we WILL get you answer...We really are a family and have a closeness to us as time goes on you will see that and you will be helping that "new born" with questions.
It can be hard I felt I didn't connect with anyone at my first few meetings but now this group is my extended family in so many ways I can not have even fathomed a year ago.
You can ask anything you want at a meeting and never feel like you are talking to much or monopolizing the time because there is someone in that room that was where you were or where they will be in weeks. To be fair though to Dennis after the introduction he did ask not once but twice did anyone have an concerns or issues they wanted to talk about last night because after introdcutions we still had meeting time. At that point nobody spoke up last night to ask or comment about anything. He then called the meeting and we broke up into small chat groups ....
Stick with us and enjoy this journey! See you first Saturday!
Thank you for the kind words of support. I just responded to Dennis and the same goes for you. I've been to a few support group meetings now (counting pre-op), and you've I think been there at each one. I know you're right because you say it over and over again. You truly have extended your family and I look forward to that kind of connection. As I told Dennis, I've always been more of a people watcher. I should have spoken up and that was my mistake. My goal for the next meeting is to not just sit and take it in, but actively participate. I really did find that Saturday meeting really helpful. Before I went I thought it was going to be too long, but I really ended up taking a lot away from it. I know it's not easy to lead a large group and I think Dennis does a wonderful job. One think I know is that you take away from something only what you put into it. If I don't take away something from the meetings I have no one to blame but myself.
My intention was not to in anyway speculate that the meetings weren't run well, because they are. I look forward to the next one. I would really like to see some more discussion time. Maybe have a recipe swap. I'd definitely like to know what gyms people go to so maybe I could buddy up. I also love when people bring before pictures. Sometimes it's hard to see how far someones come. The pictures really help.
Thanks again for being so nice and also so understanding.
I'm sure I'll see you at the next meeting.
Thank you so much for your kind words. You truly have a beautiful soul and it shines through with every word you say and every smile you flash. I'm sure you've heard it before, but, you really are a dynamic person.
I've always been sort of a people watcher. Friendly and jovial once I get to know someone but it has never been easy for me to just initiate conversation with people I barely know. I guess you could say I'm a good listener.
My hope is to take so much out of every experience along this journey and I feel it in my heart that I'm heading to a great place and these meetings are going to help me get there.
I really do look forward to them. I'm blessed with a very supportive family, but they've never been where I am today. You all have and that is so important to me.
So here's my goal:
I'm going to make the best of the Saturday meeting coming up. Interact, network and connect with as many people as I can. So when the next Wednesday meeting rolls around I won't hesitate to stick around and chat it up.
Thank you for understanding. Hope you have a great month.