Finally!! Something other than soup!
After weeks and weeks of struggling with trying to find "safe foods" to eat, I have finally added something new to my Egg Drop Soup Diet that is neither a liquid nor questionable as to whether it belongs to the animal, mineral, or plant category. Granted, it's nowhere near being considered healthy but ya know what? I...don''m taking whatever I can get right now.
So are ya ready? Hold onto your hats...Ok here we go..I was able to eat.......
Betty Crocker's Hamburger Helper Microwave Singles!! WOO HOO!
I saw it in the store and figured what the heck, I'll give it a try. I had it a long time ago and vaguely remember that it was a bit on the "mushy" side so I thought what's the worst that could happen? So I get home, nuke it, grabbed the trash can - yes, the trash can. It's very common practice these Anyways, I loaded up my spoon, closed my eyes, said a quick prayer asking that the good lord show mercy on my soul and allow my impending death to be as quick as possible and then down the hatch it went.

I just sat there with this look on my face that John could only describe as "sheer terror" as I prepared for the worst. I had my trash can on standby and I waited...but nothing. Hmmm, this is strange. Where's the pain? What happened to the vomiting?


I have never been so thrilled in all of my life to eat such crappy processed garbage. You can't imagine how good this crud tasted after living on basically just egg drop soup for sooo long. It was pure heaven. Just like having a fillet mignon melt in my mouth..A girl can dream right?

I remember teh day afer my ulcers when I was able to eat real food - it is truly and exciting day!!!
Congrats sweetie!
PS - now I am going to make it my personal mission to come up with something tasty and mushy you can eat for the class! (if you are able to come - I saw your not about John working - major bummer!!)
Thank you...thank you. I knew if anyone was going to be as happy as I am, it would be you!! You've been there so you completely "get it".
Awww Liz, you're too good to me but please don't make anything special for me. You know I appreciate the thought very very much but with still being so unsure of what I can actually keep down, I would hate to see you go through all the trouble and it turns out I get sick. I wouldn't care about getting sick. That's no big deal and it hardly even phases me anymore. I just don't want you to end up feeling bad or anything that I got sick..I also wouldn't want to ruin the fun by being stuck in the bathroom for an hour. Do you know what I'm trying to say cause I don't think it's coming out right.
I'll be fine with food. I'll probably bring some soup, mashed potatoes, and one of those Hamburger Helper bowls just so I have some choices and that will be more than enough for me.
Hugs right back at ya my dear!
Awww, you're making me blush

I'll talk to you soon!!