SURVEY: Do iron supplements bind you or make you poop?
Hi Jenn, How are you doing? In my experience I get the Constipation Station but that is also in conjunction with having the high protein balanced meals we are supposed to have. I would be very careful to get extra fluids into your system just so you do not start clogging the pipes. I personally experienced this before taking the iron supplements & wound up back at barix in the hospital about 8 months after surgery having to get 3 & 1/2 bags of fluid & an enima due to slow moving pipes ( which in turn wound up pretty uncomfortable) I was told that I am someone that needs quite a bit more then the average 64fl ounces a day. The thing that seems to help keep me normal (whatever that is) with me know is using the Miralax in 4-8oz of water once a week.
You just can not use it everyday for the reason that your system will get used to it. Good Luck!
I guess I must be the minority because every time I re-start iron suppliments, my stool gets softer and I go more. I just had my gall bladder out and had to stop taking the iron for a bit but I just restarted last night. I took 2 iron pills called HEMAGENICS which is made by METAGENICS. I ordered it at a nearby pharmacy. I'm not a vegetarian but it is a vegetarian suppliment with other B vitamins in it. It is made so absorb better into your body. It's healthier than getting a regular prescription. Even when I used to take the plain iron from the pharmacy, I had more bowel movements then too. If I'm not on iron, I get constipated.