This last month has been quite a roller coaster ride. One with no brakes. I was and am seriously at overwhelm. BUT I am not turning to food (well I am but I'm not eating it). I can't even begin to off load everything. My topper is my WBC (white blood cell) count is low (again) at my 6 month. I see Dr. Boe Friday and I left a message for him to call me. And I know he will but in the meantime anybody have this? At the three month check he told me it was not optimal but not abnormal at 3 months. We would watch it at 6 and if it still was we'd have to do something. Well here I am. And it's lower than at 3 months. I guess I'm just scared. So if anyone had this, knows about or anything please let me know. I feel a little like a glass about to shatter.
Keri, sounds like you're going through a really rough time right now - I'm so sorry. I've never had a problem with my WBC's and I'm not sure what it affects or why. Nurse Pam will know and she may be sleeping right now but I know she'll be up and checking the boards soon, and can maybe shed some light on this for you.
We all go through tough times and its so easy to turn away from support and understanding, but you know we're all out here for you whether its weight loss related or not - if you're feeling that stressed and can talk about it on the boards you know we'll do what we can to help you though it. If not you can always PM one of us and we'll do what we can.
Hang in there - hope you get better news on the WBC - I would imagine Dr's Boe and Pupkova are doing double-duty now that Dr Marymor is gone, too, but be patient - he's an excellent surgeon and he will get back to you soon.
Hugs - Kathy
We all go through tough times and its so easy to turn away from support and understanding, but you know we're all out here for you whether its weight loss related or not - if you're feeling that stressed and can talk about it on the boards you know we'll do what we can to help you though it. If not you can always PM one of us and we'll do what we can.
Hang in there - hope you get better news on the WBC - I would imagine Dr's Boe and Pupkova are doing double-duty now that Dr Marymor is gone, too, but be patient - he's an excellent surgeon and he will get back to you soon.
Hugs - Kathy
Thanks Kathy. Thanks for posting. The support is hard to ask for and isolating behavior is typical during overwhelm.
Dr. Boe is the best. And of course called me back quickly. He's not worried about it right now. But did order the thiamine bloodwork (which i'll do tomorrow) to rule that out it to be safe. I feel safe in his hands it was just a little scary.
Dr. Boe is the best. And of course called me back quickly. He's not worried about it right now. But did order the thiamine bloodwork (which i'll do tomorrow) to rule that out it to be safe. I feel safe in his hands it was just a little scary.
Just wanted to add some support. We all have bad times and feel like we are on the brink. And not having food to stuff those feelings down, well....just adds to our vulnerability it seems!
As far as the WBC count. How low is low? Did Dr. Boe say why it would be low? And do you know if you've had this problem before surgery? I would also suggest maybe seeing a primary doctor about it as well. I'm sorry I can't give you any other info or answers....I just did a quick search on the subject....and didn't find to much...however there was one suggestion that it might be linked to a low b12 level. Did Dr. Boe check your b12 level?
Hang in there and keep us posted!
Just wanted to add some support. We all have bad times and feel like we are on the brink. And not having food to stuff those feelings down, well....just adds to our vulnerability it seems!
As far as the WBC count. How low is low? Did Dr. Boe say why it would be low? And do you know if you've had this problem before surgery? I would also suggest maybe seeing a primary doctor about it as well. I'm sorry I can't give you any other info or answers....I just did a quick search on the subject....and didn't find to much...however there was one suggestion that it might be linked to a low b12 level. Did Dr. Boe check your b12 level?
Hang in there and keep us posted!
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Thanks Pam. All other levels were fine. He's running a thiamine check (going tomorrow) to rule that at because in rare cases it can be caused by a thiamine deficiency. He's the best and I know I shouldn't have worried but it's hard not to get a little shaken. He's not worried, wants to see the thiamine results and we'll keep monitoring it. I do have a face "rash" for want of a better term. It's not a typical one (of course it isn't!). It's some kind of infection (most likely the cause of the continued lowered WBCs according to Dr. Boe) and is taking a long course of creme treatment (and still isn't gone). :0)
KEri - So sorry to hear that you are going through this! *hugs* my prayers, love and support are headed out your way.
I had the opposite issue, my WBC was high sporadically when I was healthy (it usually gets high to fight infection) I had to see a hematologist (Blood specialist) mabye your PCP can refer you to one. HE was able to run a whole battery of tests and determine that it was just my bodies way of reacting to any illness, not just an infection. HE told me that it has probably done it my entire life we just happened to catch it now. Hopefully the low WBC can be remidied with something as easy as Pam's search results of more B12.
Also. do you have thyroid issues? I seem to remember my endocrinologist telling me that if your thryroid hormone is off it can make your WBC drop. I have suffered with thyroid issues since 2002 and have learned that it controls and effects so much in your body. Just a thought!
Please don't hesitate to come here to vent, ***** whine or just share - whatever it takes to make you feel better! We are here to support you!
I had the opposite issue, my WBC was high sporadically when I was healthy (it usually gets high to fight infection) I had to see a hematologist (Blood specialist) mabye your PCP can refer you to one. HE was able to run a whole battery of tests and determine that it was just my bodies way of reacting to any illness, not just an infection. HE told me that it has probably done it my entire life we just happened to catch it now. Hopefully the low WBC can be remidied with something as easy as Pam's search results of more B12.
Also. do you have thyroid issues? I seem to remember my endocrinologist telling me that if your thryroid hormone is off it can make your WBC drop. I have suffered with thyroid issues since 2002 and have learned that it controls and effects so much in your body. Just a thought!
Please don't hesitate to come here to vent, ***** whine or just share - whatever it takes to make you feel better! We are here to support you!
Hugs and everything else greatly appreciated! I don't think I have thyroid issues but am looking forward to reviewing my levels when I see Boe on Friday, I will be sure to look at those. I always take a copy of my results and keep them in a notebook with my other Barix stuff. Weird I know but I was able to call and get my WBC results from this time and compare them to my 3 month appt. I'm anal, but I want to be sure I'm monitoring and caring for my health. I will definitely check the thyroid levels. :0)