*** Tuesday Roll Call ***
Good morning everyone - looks like you all slept in this morning?? I'm up and at work so I'll get the day started.
Not much new on my agenda today - we do have our 'big bosses' coming in today for a meeting, so everybody is on their toes. Everything is set for the meeting, tho, including the catered lunch (my part) so we're good to go. Now just waiting for everyone to get here.
Hubby was sick last night and went to bed right after dinner so I didn't get to ride my bike, but I did take a good walk at lunch so I got some exercise in. Hope to get on the bike tonight - going to a township meeting later this evening - we live in a new development and since the builder hasn't sold all of the houses he refuses to finish the roads and put streetlights in - which is ridiculous since he has sold 95% of the development - he doesn't have that many homes left to sell. Members of our HOA board called the other night to see if they could drum up more support at the township meeting to put heat on the builder to get this done. It is very dangerous walking around there - especially in the winter months with potholes in the roads and no lights to see where you're going.
Other than that it should be a quiet day - hope everyone has a good one!
Not much new on my agenda today - we do have our 'big bosses' coming in today for a meeting, so everybody is on their toes. Everything is set for the meeting, tho, including the catered lunch (my part) so we're good to go. Now just waiting for everyone to get here.
Hubby was sick last night and went to bed right after dinner so I didn't get to ride my bike, but I did take a good walk at lunch so I got some exercise in. Hope to get on the bike tonight - going to a township meeting later this evening - we live in a new development and since the builder hasn't sold all of the houses he refuses to finish the roads and put streetlights in - which is ridiculous since he has sold 95% of the development - he doesn't have that many homes left to sell. Members of our HOA board called the other night to see if they could drum up more support at the township meeting to put heat on the builder to get this done. It is very dangerous walking around there - especially in the winter months with potholes in the roads and no lights to see where you're going.
Other than that it should be a quiet day - hope everyone has a good one!
Hmmm....nobody's doing anything today? I'll join you Kathy!
I just got home from Jersey. I was originally supposed to go to bed and go to my "real" job tonight. HOWEVER...
Last night I woke up with pink eye! I haven't had pink eye since I was like 3 years old. Ridiculous. I went to work last night as I FEEL fine. However...by the end of the night my eye was all pink (duh) and oozing and yucky looking. I was put on antibiotic drops.
Because it looks so nasty I can't "hide" it tonight...and there is a policy that states if you have a contagious disease, you can't go to work. Obviously, for patients safety.
So I had to call out, which is something I do NOT like doing. Good news is that by tomorrow at 7p I will have been on antibiotics for almost 36 hours and the draining and puffiness should be gone...so I will be cleared to go to work.
So now today...is lounging with hubby, having him put my eye drops in (I can touch my own eye - but I can't put in my own eye drops, go figure....) and enjoying the day home.
I'll figure out something for dinner....
I just got home from Jersey. I was originally supposed to go to bed and go to my "real" job tonight. HOWEVER...
Last night I woke up with pink eye! I haven't had pink eye since I was like 3 years old. Ridiculous. I went to work last night as I FEEL fine. However...by the end of the night my eye was all pink (duh) and oozing and yucky looking. I was put on antibiotic drops.
Because it looks so nasty I can't "hide" it tonight...and there is a policy that states if you have a contagious disease, you can't go to work. Obviously, for patients safety.
So I had to call out, which is something I do NOT like doing. Good news is that by tomorrow at 7p I will have been on antibiotics for almost 36 hours and the draining and puffiness should be gone...so I will be cleared to go to work.
So now today...is lounging with hubby, having him put my eye drops in (I can touch my own eye - but I can't put in my own eye drops, go figure....) and enjoying the day home.
I'll figure out something for dinner....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Good Morning! It has been CRAZY here at work! I HATE mornings like this!
I am stuck here in "man" hell until 4 lol then I am free! Only good thing about a tuesday is it's payday round here!
I am working on finding a place for my family to go on vacation this summer at the NJ shore. We all have different ideals.
After work I have to go to the bank and Target then home to finally get on the Wii - I am having trouble fitting in it.
Last night I got my hair done - wow is it red!
Have a great day all!
I am stuck here in "man" hell until 4 lol then I am free! Only good thing about a tuesday is it's payday round here!
I am working on finding a place for my family to go on vacation this summer at the NJ shore. We all have different ideals.
After work I have to go to the bank and Target then home to finally get on the Wii - I am having trouble fitting in it.
Last night I got my hair done - wow is it red!
Have a great day all!
I was wondering where the roll call was, but had to get on a call for work and couldn't start the feed. Today has me working 6-1:15,then picking my daughter up from school to take her to a Psych appt. We are going to find out exactly what type of ADHD she has so we can start her on meds. Finally! We need to do something.
After we get back, I have to finish working my 8 hours,so will probably work from 3:30-4:15. Not too bad..
Dinner tonight will be chicken and something.
I need to go to Wegman's, so we'll probably do that after dinner.
Nothing else, another relaxing night trying to get caught up on rest from the weekend.
After we get back, I have to finish working my 8 hours,so will probably work from 3:30-4:15. Not too bad..
Dinner tonight will be chicken and something.
I need to go to Wegman's, so we'll probably do that after dinner.
Nothing else, another relaxing night trying to get caught up on rest from the weekend.
Good morning all........
I am at work till 3:30. Then home to make dinner. I promised the kiddos Tacos tonights so I will be making that, doing wash, and some odds and ends around the house I didn't do the last few days. Then maybe some relaxing and TV. Nothing too exciting this evening.
Hope everyone has a great day.
I am at work till 3:30. Then home to make dinner. I promised the kiddos Tacos tonights so I will be making that, doing wash, and some odds and ends around the house I didn't do the last few days. Then maybe some relaxing and TV. Nothing too exciting this evening.
Hope everyone has a great day.
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Morning all!
Well I was sleeping in until the power went out and woke me. Got up and cleaned up a bit and now I have to go and get presentable. Found out there is a chip in the windshield of my car and I'm waiting for the repair man to come and fix it. I dont want to scare him with how I usually look in the morning (terrible case of bed hair and without makeup....i even scare myself) So it's off to shower and then clean.... After he leaves I think I'm going to go and get my nails done. Other than that I have no plans for today.
Enjoy this wet and warmish Tuesday!
Well I was sleeping in until the power went out and woke me. Got up and cleaned up a bit and now I have to go and get presentable. Found out there is a chip in the windshield of my car and I'm waiting for the repair man to come and fix it. I dont want to scare him with how I usually look in the morning (terrible case of bed hair and without makeup....i even scare myself) So it's off to shower and then clean.... After he leaves I think I'm going to go and get my nails done. Other than that I have no plans for today.
Enjoy this wet and warmish Tuesday!

Good Morning. I am a late waker, I am usually up till about 1:00 or so, and I sleep in. This morning I woke up to a light rain which isn't helping my lazy attitude today. Trying to drum myself up to doing some laundry, and cleaning up. I really want to get some school work done too. (I am taking a degree course through Penn Foster, an internet collage) My husband "fixed" my treadmill last night
Duh the circuit breaker blew on the receptacle., made me feel really dumb that I didn't check that. I was so happy to be able to walk yesterday, and looking forward to walking today too. Tomorrow we get to start back to the gym I can't wait we go the YMCA. Hope al you have wonderful days.

Good afternoon everyone I have a terrible problem trying to sleep with "frozed shoulder" from my leftover type 2 diabetis and today I have to meet my baby brother he has an appointment with the pain management Dr Ratner who is awesome. Then I am coming home to feed the birds I have a blue gold macaw and two little ****atiels and finish laundry. Still waiting to hear from the job in Trenton, NJ I really hope I get it. I passed the data entry test so we'll see. If its meant to be it will be. Trying to keep a positive attitude. At least its not so cold outside. Kathy I swore after my townhouse in Willow Grove I would never live where there is a HOA again. They are not pet friendly even to the people like me who clean up right away. And oh we live on a road that is not much better than a bridle path and if I go straight out my driveway that road is paved. Builder sounds like they are looking for a lawsuit either that or ran out of money which isn't your problem. They might have a certain amount of time to do it so check your paperwork from when you and hubby bought the house.
We're used to the HOA's - we had one at the townhouse development we lived in before moving to this new place. My hubby was born and bred in South Philly - I don't think they knew what grass was so there was no way he was buying a place that required the word 'lawnmower' in his vocabulary!! Plus we're both older and yardwork isn't my biggest thrill either. We do have a small dog and an electric fence that works out quite well. We're in a 55+ development now and all old people have little dogs! And of course we can't have regular fenced yards so most of us walk our dogs - mine plays in his yard but god forbid he do his business out there!
I know people from the board and the development have been dogging the township supervisors for a while now to get this builder to finish the roads and get the street lights in - he keeps 'promising' but does nothing - in the meantime the roads are getting worse and are going to cost him more in the long run to get them fixed - duh, doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out! There were actually 3 separate builders in our development since we consist of single homes, carriage houses (twins), and the quads which are what I live in. So with the 3 of them you'd think they have enough money to do this and get everybody off their butts - they all made a ton of money selling houses in there and there are less than 20 left to sell - over 180 sold. So no excuses. We'll see what happens at the meeting tonight.
I know people from the board and the development have been dogging the township supervisors for a while now to get this builder to finish the roads and get the street lights in - he keeps 'promising' but does nothing - in the meantime the roads are getting worse and are going to cost him more in the long run to get them fixed - duh, doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure that one out! There were actually 3 separate builders in our development since we consist of single homes, carriage houses (twins), and the quads which are what I live in. So with the 3 of them you'd think they have enough money to do this and get everybody off their butts - they all made a ton of money selling houses in there and there are less than 20 left to sell - over 180 sold. So no excuses. We'll see what happens at the meeting tonight.