Okay maybe I am a bad wife but my husband has not been feeling well since lat friday. BUT I am getting sick and tired of him complaining that he is so SICK and feels this need not to help me around the house. He now has called out of work 2 days in a row he coughs constantly all dry cough by the way and went to the dr yesterday who told him that he thinks it post-nasal drip and gave him Rx for Clarinex and Robitussium DM and he got a chest X-Ray which came back normal, he does not have temperature but has lost his voice so now he is not only annoying but sounds like he is talking after inhaling Helium out of a baloon. UGH!! Why did I leave work today to come home?? Oh one more thing he did not shovel the driveway so when I came home I could not get my car in the driveway and after somebody broadsided my car which was parked on the curbside of my house I don't want to park outside...So I ended up shoveling snow and almost broke my neck since its getting so slippery out. Okay I feel much better. Thanks for letting me go on and on...
Men are the biggest babies I have ever known. Now us women are known for drama but men put us to shame. Sorry guys its true. When I am not feeling good neither is he when I have a migrain so does he when I am tired oh yes so is he. I wonder now that I am menopausal is he too? Babies! I will never figure out the expression "Grown man" huh! Ha! Boo hooey! And selective memory I am still waiting for the windshield washer to be refilled in my Expedition and guess who is gonna end up doing that, I am so glad I can multi-task. Men! But I do admit I do love him. Life is good. And he does not shovel the snow either! His method is to sprinkle the stuff on top of the snow. Luckily we have our own private driveway. Have a great night all. Thanks for letting me rant and rave too.
I hear you.. men can have the sniffles and be all boohoo I'm SOOO SICK. 
But let a woman, especially a mom, come down with the flu and she is still up carting kids around, cleaning the house, cooking, going to work and still doing all the stuff she does on a normal day. We don't get time off for sickness. What's up with that?!
You have every right to vent!
We will support you and back you!

But let a woman, especially a mom, come down with the flu and she is still up carting kids around, cleaning the house, cooking, going to work and still doing all the stuff she does on a normal day. We don't get time off for sickness. What's up with that?!
You have every right to vent!

R K.
on 2/3/09 5:47 pm
on 2/3/09 5:47 pm
blah, blah, blah You never see a bunch of men sitting around having a *****fest though. You girls don`t see all the times we work and do our thing with injuries and sickness because we don`t complain. So once in a blue moon DH plays the sympathy card. Even tough guys need to be babied once in a while.
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch
my husband has a cold he is walking around the house like death warmed over, I have no sympathy for him at all , as women we get sick & still have work to do take care of DH and the kids and the house, I love him to death but when he gets a cold I can't stand the way he acts, I just had 2 major surgeries was cut from hip to hip and was able to get around and not act like him . so today I told him get to the DRs. cause I can't take anymore
they are all alike, could you see if men had babies
they are all alike, could you see if men had babies