new to the PA forum and with questions
I know that Mr. Alvarez's assitant mentioned to me that if I wanted some insurance in case of complications resulting form the surgery to check out an insurance company called BLISS. Do you guys know anything about that? What did you do to cover such risks (since I understand that for some the insurance didn't cover the cost of surgery and complications related to it)?
Can't wait to get on the losers' bench.
Thoe are some pretty specific questions and I don't know how much help you are going to get on this board, but you will reach a wider audience with your questions if you take this to the main board.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Those are some pretty heavy questions and I'm not sure about any of the answers.
I would at least look into private insurances....see how much it would cost you to get insurance for yourself through a company.
I'm assuming you are willing to self pay for the surgery itself?
Unless the lack of insurance is due to lack of employment and/or monetary issues - perhaps medicaid is an option? I don't know your specific situations.
In the cases of complications without insurance some hospitals have "charity care" type programs which, when you go to the hospital for whatever reason, they give you the application to fill out. Then depending on your personal situation it is a price reduction type payment plan. Therefore, you can get treated in the hospital (hospitals can't deny you treatment for illnesses due to lack of ability to pay, although private physicians in some instances can)
I don't have any other answers for you, and like norm, sorry I couldn't be of more help.
I wish you luck on your journey, though!