So.... 2 years ago today....
I have found a renewed passion for cooking and wish that I was doing it all the time! Our newly started support group / cooking class has become my passion and I look forward to it every month!
Most importantly on this journey I have met some of the most caring, inspirational wonderful people a girl could ever hope for! The friends that I have made in the last 2 years are people that I am proud to call my friends! You have seen me through the darkest of times, and through the best. You were there to hold my "virtual" hand through my issues with my gall bladder and ulcers and there to celebrate with me when I FINALLY put the 200 pound mark behind me.
Before my surgery I had terrible PCOS and was told that I would never have children. At my yearly visit last year I confronted the Dr about this again and was told it was no longer true! Chris and I are hoping to start our family this year. Again, without Dr Brader and Barix none of this would have been possible. I have gained so much more then I have lost! The weight is gone and there is the Liz that I had always wanted to show standing here today! I am more confident, outspoken and eager.
My WLS has never been something that I have hidden and am happy to share my story - in all it's intimate details (lol) with anyone who wants to know!
So crossing over this 2 year mark - I want to thank everyone that has supported me through all of this! You guys are the best and I love you all!
Cheers to you, sista and here's to many many more years of successing! Have fun with the baby making processes - hopefully Brian and I will be right behind you.

Congratulations and what a beautiful, inspirational post! From the first time I met you, there was a warmth and exhuberance about you that makes me know you are a really special person. I hope this year finds you closer to achieving whatever goals you plan on pursuing, because you certainly have a winning attitude! So believe and make it happen, because you can!
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Congratulations on all of your amazing accomplishments and your wonderful journey these past two years. You thank us for supporting you, but I know you have supported all of us through so many difficult times - WLS or personally - and I want to thank you for all of the support and knowledge you have passed my way.
Maybe you have a future on the Food Network - they could use a specialty show on cooking for people like us, since last stats showed that more than 100,000 people will have some form of WLS in the coming year - we're not in the minority anymore - and we're not hiding it anymore. I've tried several of your recipes and love them, and thank you for the time and effort you put into making them WLS friendly.
I wish you and Chris all the best on starting a family - this has to be so exciting for you both!! And congratulations again on your many, many successes and for sharing so much of your life with us.
You have opened your heart and home to us and so many look forward to being there each month to share good times and learning new tasty treats...
Best of luck to you and your continuing journey and the starting of a family with our adorable husband you are going to make GREAT parents.