Thursday Roll Call
I hope to get some sleep before I have to get up and teach my class. At least we are watching a video today so I will be out of the hot seat for a bit. I may take a nap before heading back out to work.
I have been very unproductive these days, I just sit around and get grouchy because of the swelling and wish for it to be over. I am doing all the remedies, and trying to keep sodium low but it just does not seem to help. I am trying to look at the whole picture but it is getting discouraging, I miss my jeans and my clothes.
Oh well, I am grateful It could be so much worse. Take each day as it comes.
So what will you be doing today? Arent you glad the weekend is almost here? I am.
Stay safe and warm
Today i will probably leave around 8. The kids already have a 2 hour delay. My son will be with his dad for the 3 days before we leave for florida next week. This will give me time to get packing, laundry and cleaning done before we leave. I have a busy next couple of days. next weds will be here quickly.
I need to go back to bed. lol
Sorry you are having a rough time with the healing process, hope it all subsides soon and hope your trip home was uneventful and you got a good nights rest!
I am up early as a result of two days of being home with an intestinal bug, so I got lots of extra rest and all I can say is I am grateful to be feeling better today! Another positive side of being sick was I caught up with my DVR programming and am now current on all my shows ;) Anyway, I'm going to have time to make breakfast, as well as get ready for work and then I will slowly make my way to the train station as I imagine the roads are going to be rather icy.
I hope you all are warm and have a safe drive to wherever you will be traveling and have a wonderful day!
Prayers, positive thoughts and hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Going to start my packing for trip to VA tomorrow. I am not looking forward to the travel, but once I am there, it will be fun. I have my Hearing on Tuesday and will be heading back home after that. I have to run a few errands today and that is it for now. Yea, this winter, I had all these plans for exercise and haven't done any. I am hoping to join a conditioning class and maybe take some ballet for flexibility. Or

I am so sorry you are suffering from the edema. I have had it, and it sucks.
Today has me up early to take my sister's dog to the doggy day camp he goes to. He loves it there. Sis is in Florida, enjoying better weather than here. She took Mom and Mom's gentleman friend, and they escaped yesterday morning.
After taking the dog to camp, I will head to work. We had a snow day yesterday, so today will be playing catch-up on what was to be taught yesterday. I also have to write my lesson plans, to get them turned in today. After work, I was scheduled to go see my rehab therapist, but I am upset about somethings that occurred last night at group there, and I am not sure about returning. So, I am going to head to a meeting, and then home to finish knitting a blanket I must complete.
Stay safe and warm.
Albert Schweitzer

Morning Nicole,
How is the class going? I've been up since 5 for no good reason so I am grading papers from my college course that I teach. At 8 I will leave for the Dr to get Blood Work and of course immediately go for Coffee and egg white and turkey sandwich at Wawa. Off to gym after that. Sunday I leave for Puerto Vallarta ( lucky me ) so I hope the shorts that I ordered from LL Bean get to my house today.
Have a great day everybody.
Hope you have a safe trip into/home from work - it is a bit icy out there!
Nicole - I sure hope that the swelling subsides soon! Has Dr Herman said anything about a water pill maybe to help with it?
Have a great day all!
I don't have many plans for today....I have to go to work tonight so a nap in the afternoon is probably a good idea...and I need to figure out some meals and what not.
It's been awhile since I've had absolutely nothing to do during the day - and gotta say - it's nice!

This has been the work week from hell for me - stinking xerox is still NOT working and I'm about ready to boot it out the door - just one problem after another this week - will be so glad when this week is over. Big boss is rolling into town around noon today for an afternoon meeting - I won't see him much which is fine.
Other than that not much on my agenda today...Kathy
ps: I am really OVER all this miserable cold, wet, icy weather...come on spring!!