What a change of plans. advice please
Well we were set to move to Florida. And my lovely bf who i adore so much. lol has been talking with a company in Chicago. He met them at a open interview session at school on a weds. Has a second interview on Thrus. Friday he had a phone interview and yesterday they called and asked if they could fly him up to Chicago asap to meet with him. OMG. Im shocked .. this is nowhere near what we had planned. I have no idea what living in chicago is like or what areas are good. Do you think this company would put out all the money to fly him there and put him in a hotel for 2 days and not be serious about hiring him?? I think he already has the job they just want to put a name with the face.
Im shocked!!
Im shocked!!
Boy oh boy that's going from one extreme to the other!! Hot and sunny to cold and windy? Well, it does sound like they're ready to make your bf an offer, and if its good enough it might be the way to go. Do you think you would have success in finding a job out there? Plus consider what's right for the kids, too - a lot of big decisions to make, but let him go out for the meet 'n greet and then you can sit down and discuss things. Its going to be a huge decision either way.
Wishing you all the best - don't let the stress derail your weight loss motivation because you're doing so wonderfully - and as we all know it doesn't take much sometimes.
Wishing you all the best - don't let the stress derail your weight loss motivation because you're doing so wonderfully - and as we all know it doesn't take much sometimes.
you will love Chicago if you go there... the winters are a little worse... but the rest of the time it is a lot like it is out here...
In college (I went to a school in northern Indiana) we went to Chicago all the time... it is an awesome city and the burbs around it are nice too... I like that area a lot better than I do out here... hehehe... but if you go you will find it a lot like here... I think the people are a bit nicer when you tell them you aren't from the area... and there are some great outlets there... and IKEA too hehehe... well I know there is 2 here... but there is also one there too hehehe...
In college (I went to a school in northern Indiana) we went to Chicago all the time... it is an awesome city and the burbs around it are nice too... I like that area a lot better than I do out here... hehehe... but if you go you will find it a lot like here... I think the people are a bit nicer when you tell them you aren't from the area... and there are some great outlets there... and IKEA too hehehe... well I know there is 2 here... but there is also one there too hehehe...
I have not actually been in Chicago as a tourist. I did stop once in a really bad part of town on the way through...I had to use a bathroom, and my daughter was terrified, because we were in the 'hood.
It sounds like a promising job possibility for your boyfriend, but I must confess that the only thing that would get me to the Midwest is my granddaughter in Michigan. I like PA, not the Southeastern part, but the other parts. That's just me.
I hear Chicago is great though.
It sounds like a promising job possibility for your boyfriend, but I must confess that the only thing that would get me to the Midwest is my granddaughter in Michigan. I like PA, not the Southeastern part, but the other parts. That's just me.
I hear Chicago is great though.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Yep, they're serious if they're flying him. I don't know how big the co. is, but they might offer relocation help as well. My older sister is in Chicago, has been since she moved there to get her Masters. They live in Glenn Ellyn and it is on their 'mailnline'...looks very similar to the mainline suburbs in Philly (My SIL's family used to live in Wayne and it reminds me of that- older cute homes and walking distance to cute shopping). My sister and her husband are both teachers. Just a suggestion if you have kids that will be going to public school (I think someone mentioned kids?). Once I narrow down a few areas I order school reports from the state board of education; it gives you stuff like $ spent per child, testing scores, etc. I always have used it to pick the last 1 or 2 school districts and then we pick from there (eliminating that we don't like to live in the city proper)...it's never failed me and we've moved seven times. Even if you don't have kids it's still a good idea as property values stay up where the schools are good and they're always good areas to live in. You can also call the city/counties you're interested and get great information from their offices ie. I got a huge packet from our realtor that had info. on all the suburbs of Pittsburgh. Cost of living is probably higher than where you are now (you can do a search on this and get info.) but it probably is in FL as well.
Have you posted this question on the Illinois forum yet? I'm sure they can tell you all about the burbs. BTW we get way more snow than the Philly area here in Pittsburgh (used to live in West Chester) and Chicago get's way more snow than we do (sister says everyone has a snow blower for their driveways there unless you can lift snow high up). It's a beautiful city. Happy Moving!!! -BG
Have you posted this question on the Illinois forum yet? I'm sure they can tell you all about the burbs. BTW we get way more snow than the Philly area here in Pittsburgh (used to live in West Chester) and Chicago get's way more snow than we do (sister says everyone has a snow blower for their driveways there unless you can lift snow high up). It's a beautiful city. Happy Moving!!! -BG
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I'm now in the middle of a Normal BMI.
*My new adventure; At the suggestion and support of many LBers, I'm now writing a LB book.
Tanya, wow that certainly is a change of plans! I lived in Chicago for a year back in 2004-2005 and it was one of the greatest times of my life -- I absolutely loved it out there! If you do wind up relocating there, please feel free to get in touch with me or ask me any questions you may have -- I can talk about Chicago all day long and I'd be happy to tell you about places to go, things to see, etc.
Lisa :)
Lisa :)