***Wednesday Snow Day Roll Call***
I got the day off for the snow. I am dogsitting my sister's dog, as she hopes to fly to Florida with Mom and Mom's gentleman friend this morning.
I hope to finish knitting a blanket today, and grading some papers.
Have a safe day.. Stay warm.
Albert Schweitzer

I don't really have any plans after work today, I'll make dinner and put away some laundry, but I got the house all cleaned this weekend and most of the other chores done so I am in good shape! I was going to grocery shop but I'll put that off a bit longer. I do need to call and make a vet appointment for the kitties for their yearly checkup. Nothing too exciting!
If you are going out today please be careful! The roads are not in good shape!
Today is unusual for us to have the day off. Philly schools rarely take snow days. I will watch the school closings most days, and all the suburbs have off, but we must go in. Today is the first this year. I am not sure we had one last year. I often wish I worked in the suburbs.
Albert Schweitzer

Well, lucky for me, I don't have to drive to work in the snow. But, then again, I don't get the option of calling off because of it either. It was a pretty safe trip between my bedroom and my office. LOL! The only bump in the road I came upon was my daughter waking up at an early hour even though she does not have school today. HA!!
I have nothing planned today except for work. Hopefully, my daughter will get to go outside before the snow changes to ice so she can play for a bit.
Be safe and warm today everyone! I have no intentions of getting dressed.

Stay safe everyone!
Ive been so busy with so many things. I feel like my head is spinning some days.
Today the kids have off. Daycare opens up late but imreally debating on whether or not to take them in. My boss called and said she would let me know later if we are going in. LOL No big deal for her she is single with no kids.
Im hoping she says lets just take the day off.
If i dont have to go in im going to relax and do a load or two of laundry.
I got home but it took me a long time - even 78 was a mess this morning. There weren't many cars on the road, and those of us that were took a nice slow ride.
When I got home I did all the shoveling. The other times it has snowed most of the accumulation has been during the day when I have been sleeping so Brian has done it all - so I did it today. And I even moved both cars back and forth in the driveway and shoveled the whole two car drive way as opposed to the bare minimum. I am counting it towards some of my exercise today.
I need to call my old, soon to be new, job today. HR left me a message yesterday and I need to find out what they wanted to finish processing everything. As of right now, I may be working as early as this coming Sunday night. We shall see.
After that I will take a nap - I was tired most of the night and still am. I was very restless yesterday when I slept.
After the nap I'll get up and make a *mostly* nice dinner. Brian calls it "Hillbilly in NY" dinner because I am making filet mignon steaks (a rare treat for us) and what does he want with it? Boxed Kraft Mac and Cheese!!! Talk about your opposing culinary worlds! I'll have mashed cauliflower with my steak.
I think we are planning on watching a movie tonight....I don't know which one.
Have a great day and please be careful while out and about - Liz is right - the roads are NOT fun!

Good snowy morning again -- I am at work - came in late because the boss didn't leave a message to close the office - or didn't leave one I got since I'm the ONLY one in here and I have the longest stinking commute!! Xerox repairman better show up and if nobody else comes in I'll be out of here at noon. This sucks. Hubby is home today and didn't really want me driving in by myself, but honestly it wasn't that bad.
So that's my agenda for today - sit here and read posts and wait for the xerox guy. Can you stand the excitement??!! WOO-HOO!!
Stay warm and dry everyone...Kathy
The Steelers frenzy is crazy here this week (there is no other news LOL). Not being a 'native' it's been fun to watch (again).
Band_Groupie My Blog "The Sweet Spot" HERE
Proud member of the Century Club...100+ pounds gone forever!
I'm now in the middle of a Normal BMI.
*My new adventure; At the suggestion and support of many LBers, I'm now writing a LB book.