Lurking, feeling down
I am guilty of being a lurker for several days now, probably closer to two weeks or something. First I didn't have a very good past two weeks. Anyone who gets Bartholin's Cysts (it's a woman thing-think very
Large Swollen Extremely Painful lump on the hanging bits of the nether reigons
) will know how horrible they can be. Well I get alot of them. After a week it was to the point that I was having a hard time walking, so I decided it was time to go to the Emergency Room to get it drained.
This was only the 2nd time I had to go into a doctor for this, they usually take care of themselves. The first time the shot to numb the area wasn't effective so I hard to go through the whole process feeling everything. OUCH.
This time I felt the first hard squeeze and then the injection OUCH. And then what a blessing it went numb.
The doctor prescibed two antibiotics. So now all this week I have been seriously nauseous from the meds, and doing soaks, and drainage. The other reason I have been lurking is that I have been eating alot of the wrong things in the wrong amounts. I have stuck with some of what I need to do, but I just didn't want to have to admit to ya'll that I haven't been eating all that well. My doc says there are ways to buy the healthy foods on a budget(which there are ) and I do my best at the begining of the month. But by the end of the month when the money is running out you get what you can get. $30 to feed four(or five if my stepson is here) for two weeks is what I call creative shopping. And what you get on that amount is really not necessarily good for you. Although I do try to have a balanced meal every night. You know meat, starch, vegies and maybe a fruit . I guess I just wanted to touch base. This forum is important to me, and as I get closer to a surgery date I know it is going to be even more important. So even if I am admitting my shortcomings I want to be here sharing with all of you. Later and thanks for this wonderful place to come
Sorry you are going through all this. I too am on a very tight budget with my hubby being out of work. I know about choices and sometimes they are hard. I know when depression hits, all common sense about food goes...somewhere else. Been there alot myself. Since we are sharing some of the same things, we can comfort each other. Take heart that we both know we need to be healthy for out loved ones and for ourselves. If we can keep that in mind, hoefully we can think before we eat and realize, that it isn't helping. I am willing to walk with you through these hard times and maybe we can help strengthen each other.
Also, there is no shame in saying you need help. This board is not all perfect people who have 100% of their lives in order. We all have issues and that is why we are all here.

I'm something of a lurker too though I have posted when I felt like I had something to say or ask. I 'm sorry you are suffering. I used to get boils under my arms and it hurt like heck to get it lanced and its not the most delicate or sweet smelling operation I can tell you....
During these touch economic times, a lot of us are squeezed for cash. Did you know that the guidelines for food assistance is probably higher than most people think. For a few years now the Federal Agricultural Department - they administers the program through the counties has known that many people who are eligible don't apply because they feel its a stigma. However, if you think about it its your tax dollars at work. Its the same as using the library or a public school.
I don't know if you can use this info but maybe somebody else can: the following are current income guidelines for eligiblity. Best wishes
Gross Income Guidelines |
Family Size |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Monthly Income Limit |
$1,107 |
$1,484 |
$1,861 |
$2,238 |
$2,615 |
$2,992 |
$3,369 |
$3,746 |
And I feel for you with the cysts - I've had em before - most of the time inbetween my thighs and lemme tell you - ow ow ow. Knock on wood, since surgery I haven't had any. I used to call them "fat thigh disease" which the doctors told me I was wrong about - but seeing as though my thighs aren't as fluffy anymore and I haven't gotten any - I'm thinking the friction of my thighs WAS causing the problem. To heck with the doctors! LOL
Hang in there!!