***Wednesday Roll Call***
Well my morning is going to be a whirlwind of activity.
On the way home I need to stop at Giant - and I swear I'm only buying a FEW items. Crystal lite packets (I didn't realize we were out and we're going on a road trip? The horror) and some snacks for the boys (I already have my yogurts and ricotta cheese and cheese sticks packed)
Then it's home to follow Brian to the repair shop where his car will take a vacation while we are taking our vacation.
Then it will be BACK home to get the cats food bowls set up, the last minute items packed in the suitcase, and dressed.
We will more than likely hit wawa as we leave the house for some coffee for hubby and decaf tea for me...and then down the street to the bank to deposit some checks.
And we need to be ON THE ROAD to JERSEY no later than like 9am, or 9:15. I'm hoping to be the first one in line at the drive through at the bank. We're supposed to get to my parents house by 10:30ish and then head off the NC with dad and the brother.
I don't know if I will be posting from here on in....we expect to be back at our house very late Saturday night. If I don't get online before then, you guys all have a GREAT week!!

I have been spending way too much time sitting in this chair. Way too inactive and eating way too much! Today, we will be doing some odd jobs around the church if my sweet hubby feels better. He had an adverse reaction to PrevPak and has been feeling bad.
I am glad we have the opportunity to start fresh everyday. I NEED to pick myself up and head to the basement to get moving. When I get in these slumps, it takes supernatural energy to get out of it.
I am hoping for a good day.
Good Morning Pam & PA,
Hope you have a safe trip to NC, make sure to take those potty breaks, cause you never know (lol)!
Well it's off to work and then to Barix support group tonight.
Have a great day all, stay warm!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Today has me at wor****il 4. I have to have a meeting with my boss about some sensitive issues and I am pretty nervous about it - scared actually. I'll pop some anxiety meds in a few and hope that helps me get through it - it needs to be done!
After work it is home to do some chores, straighten up, litter boxes fun stuff like that - then hopefully in bed early - I didn't sleep well at all last night with all this stuff running through my head so I might crash tonight.
Have a great day all!!
After being in bed for over a week (complications of a leak after a spinal tap) I have been back to work and everyday life again. So today will be working till 3:30. then off to pick up an easel I found for my daughter on Craig's List.
After that, it's off to Giant to pick up a few items. I have been designated to make SF Bread Pudding for a lunch tomorrow so I will be home baking tonight. I HATE to bake but this is only a few items and seems easy so we will see! LOL
Hope everyone has a great day. And hope you have a safe trip Pam. You are heading to my home state! I love and miss NC so very much! LOL
When life hands you lemons, ask for tequila & salt and give me a call!
Lucky girl heading for warmer climates - I am so over this freezing, frigid, nasty, blustery....well, you get the picture - COLD STINKING WEATHER!! But hope you have a great time with everyone. Safe travels.
Nothing too exciting for me today - am at work for the day then home to make dinner, work-out and that's about it. Might run out at lunch to PetSmart then to the bank but since its still so cold I'm not sure that's going to happen.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Today, I am working and really need to buckle down and get stuff done. After work, I have a psych appointment and then have to pick my daughter up from Voices (the school choir). Tonight, I am making a turkey meatloaf with some sort of side that I have not figured out yet. Then, I hope to get some exercise in, but am not sure because I have another friggin' cold. I never used to get sick and now all of a sudden I am coming down with this garbage. UGH. I'll probably just drink lots of tea and try to move this cold out of my system as fast as possible.
Hope everyone has a good day.