Endometrial Biopsy (Ladies Only)
Hi Eileen,
Been missing you. I used to have these every three to six months for about two years or so. Yes, that's right every 3 to 6 months for 2 years! Actually whenever I go for a a pap my OB does one because I have funky cells (pre-cancerous as well as having hyperdisplasia). Anyway, it is all part of my exam . . . all the standard looking up my address and then an extra in and scrap. There's a feeling of instant cramping and of course a bit of bleeding but then it goes away. Some folks end up with cramps for a little while, say like a couple of hours. I never did and I have never taken anything for 'discomfort.' It wasn't ever as bad as full blown cramps.
Okay this is way TMI
Been missing you. I used to have these every three to six months for about two years or so. Yes, that's right every 3 to 6 months for 2 years! Actually whenever I go for a a pap my OB does one because I have funky cells (pre-cancerous as well as having hyperdisplasia). Anyway, it is all part of my exam . . . all the standard looking up my address and then an extra in and scrap. There's a feeling of instant cramping and of course a bit of bleeding but then it goes away. Some folks end up with cramps for a little while, say like a couple of hours. I never did and I have never taken anything for 'discomfort.' It wasn't ever as bad as full blown cramps.
Okay this is way TMI
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--Mahatma Ghandi
Celebrate Life, L'Chaim, Peace, Shalom
Hi Eileen!
I'm sure others might be able to give you more detail than me. I've never had that kind of biopsy done before but I've had several other procedures there and none of them kept me down. I've had a through and through one done where they put a large needle through to get a sample. I had a d&c done in the office. As I understand most are just scrapings and you get up and go after. The needle one was the worst but I was able to get around after.
I know you'll get the answers you are looking for here. This is such a great resource.
Good luck!
I'm sure others might be able to give you more detail than me. I've never had that kind of biopsy done before but I've had several other procedures there and none of them kept me down. I've had a through and through one done where they put a large needle through to get a sample. I had a d&c done in the office. As I understand most are just scrapings and you get up and go after. The needle one was the worst but I was able to get around after.
I know you'll get the answers you are looking for here. This is such a great resource.
Good luck!
It's been a while (about 6 years), but I believe I did have that done, it is uncomfortable while being done and you might experience some cramping afterwards, but I went from work and then returned to work, but I'm not sure if the procedure is the same as what you are having done. Perhaps Pam, someone who has had it done more recently or another "professional" will know exactly for sure. Good luck and I miss you lady, hope to see you soon.
Hugs, Laureen
It's been a while (about 6 years), but I believe I did have that done, it is uncomfortable while being done and you might experience some cramping afterwards, but I went from work and then returned to work, but I'm not sure if the procedure is the same as what you are having done. Perhaps Pam, someone who has had it done more recently or another "professional" will know exactly for sure. Good luck and I miss you lady, hope to see you soon.
Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I had one done not that long ago. It will pinch like hell and be very uncomfortable, but yes, you should be able to go to work afterward. I did. I can say that it was over pretty quickly, and doing some good yoga breathing helped me through it. I also definitely recommend taking some advil afterward, or whatever your doctor recommends. Good luck with it.
I had a procedure done a few years ago - I'm not sure at this point in time if it was cervical or endometrial, and sadly enough, I'm not even sure if those two are categorized together or separtely (some nurse I am!)
I did have some discomfort during the procedure - not clawing at the walls discomfort.
However, I had a "large" amount of bleeding afterwards and some killer cramps. My pain tolerance is decent - with the exception of cramps. For whatever reason, they take me down like no tomorrow. I would rather have gastric bypass monthly than have my friend and her cramps visit me to give you an idea. I've been that way since puberty.
The reason they suggest ibuprofin for most of these procedures is because it helps with inflammation and what not. Tylenol doesn't do that as well. I understand the reasoning behind not taking motrin/ibuprofin/advil as gastric bypass patients. However (and this is me being the bad patient) I would probably go on pepcid for a couple of days before and after, eat something before the procedure and take some advil. Just because I'm a wuss when it comes to female problems.
I did have some discomfort during the procedure - not clawing at the walls discomfort.
However, I had a "large" amount of bleeding afterwards and some killer cramps. My pain tolerance is decent - with the exception of cramps. For whatever reason, they take me down like no tomorrow. I would rather have gastric bypass monthly than have my friend and her cramps visit me to give you an idea. I've been that way since puberty.
The reason they suggest ibuprofin for most of these procedures is because it helps with inflammation and what not. Tylenol doesn't do that as well. I understand the reasoning behind not taking motrin/ibuprofin/advil as gastric bypass patients. However (and this is me being the bad patient) I would probably go on pepcid for a couple of days before and after, eat something before the procedure and take some advil. Just because I'm a wuss when it comes to female problems.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.