Disability Insurance for Pregnancy?
OK so Chris and I would really like to start trying to have a baby! (exciting I know!) but I am worried about being out of work and not getting paid, does anyone know a good disability insurance carrier and if they cover pregnancy - or what did you do? I'll cross post this on the preggo board too.
Thanks all!
Thanks all!
Both jobs I've worked for covers STD....so I'm gonna be of very little help here...
I don't know what finances are for you - but my cousin had the same issue and basically she and her husband scrimped and saved and basically lived on nothing during the time they were trying and during the time of her pregnancy and put a bunch of money away in a special account so that they had almost the equivelant of her paychecks in the bank by the time she was on maternity leave. I don't know why they didn't look into self paid insurance, though.....And I know that in the case of Brian and I, right now, I definately wouldn't be able to put that kind of money aside.
I don't know what finances are for you - but my cousin had the same issue and basically she and her husband scrimped and saved and basically lived on nothing during the time they were trying and during the time of her pregnancy and put a bunch of money away in a special account so that they had almost the equivelant of her paychecks in the bank by the time she was on maternity leave. I don't know why they didn't look into self paid insurance, though.....And I know that in the case of Brian and I, right now, I definately wouldn't be able to put that kind of money aside.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

Pam - Thanks for the info - I am going to check with my boss again today, I am 99% sure that we don't have STD here but I will confirm. I do put $100 a week aside but I am anal and would rather still get some of my salary when I am out. I am most concerned about the mortgage. We might just "wing" it too - All I am concerned with is that we have the $1600/month for the mortgage set aside - we can live off of Chris check if that is taken care of.
R K.
on 1/19/09 1:31 am
on 1/19/09 1:31 am
I`m no expert but being self employed I have over the years checked into many insurances. If employed in NJ or NY there may be programs. I never found a ST or LT that covered a normal pregnancy. In most cases in Pa you have whatever maternity leave your company has and if your company qualifies you can use unpaid family medical leave.
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch
"If I only had three words of advice, they would be, Tell the Truth. If got three more words, I'd add, all the time."
— Randy Pausch