Food for thought.
Well, two things to beware when eating out.
The other day, we picked up food at Chick-Fil-A. My wife and I split a chargrilled chicken salad. I also got a Diet Lemonade...but they didn't give me the Diet....and I learned what dumping was. It made me very tired, and I fell asleep and my wife and I watched a movie. I missed almost the entire movie and went to sleep on the couch instead. I've always wondered how much sugar I could tolerate, and have been above the guidelines without issue, so I am actually happy it made me sick.
Also BEWARE of Taco Bell. My wife likes the Fresco Chicken Border Bowl. The sign says it is 8 g fat and 350 calories. She's had it twice. She wanted one but wanted to figure out how much she woudl save if she took the tortilla strips off. But she learned that they consider that bowl to be 2 servings!
Just thought I would share. Both companies are going to get a complaint letter from yours truly.
As far as the serving thing goes - interesting. Goes to show never really know what you are getting....

Beans is what gets to me. Had Pintos and cheese on Saturday evening and tooted all the way home. Yesterday had the best homemade ham and bean soup and luckily, it didn't start until after I got home. But it was sooooooo goooooooood!!!!

U are a Barix baby - did a nut give you the dining out/fast food guidelines card? I don't have it in front of me but it can be very helpful - and restaurant portion sizes are way above normal servings which really makes no sense, but in todays world everything bigger is better, except people.
I am really big on reading the dietary info before we go out. I really like Chick-FIl-A because of it.
They have very comprehensive nutrition details, and even have it on the back of the tray protector if you dine in, and you can pick up one for your car.
The choices are still limited, but at least you know what you are getting.
I take umbridge w/ Taco Hell because the sign in the drive thru says "8 g if fat abd 350 calories" next to the price. They have signs about their Fresco line being healthier. That is why I am so enraged. There should be note that the bowl is 2 servings! I am going to complain now.

Kudos for checking the websites Steve. More folks should take a gander. It's time consuming at first and doing the math is a little confusing about the serving sizes, but boy do you find out how fattening eating those places is....and to think our kids live on fast food these days compared to us. They will all outweigh us for sure....we are killing our kids.....what a sad thought!
Jackie J.
1 choice @ a time > 1 day @ a time. Slow to Succeed is still Success ;-)