Need help for...uhm...gaseous-ness
People have sworn by devrom - you can order it online. It doesn't take the gas away, but apparantly takes the smell away which is just as good in my opinion.
Kim Z has recently discussed that she started eating one greek yogurt a day and taking acidophillus pills (available at pharmacies and stores like walgreens and what not over the counter) and that seemed to help the problem as well. It helps balance out the bacteria in your system. I already eat greek yogurt daily, haven't taken the acidophillus, and mine is stinky as ever. I am trying the devrom as soon as it comes to the house....
Kim Z has recently discussed that she started eating one greek yogurt a day and taking acidophillus pills (available at pharmacies and stores like walgreens and what not over the counter) and that seemed to help the problem as well. It helps balance out the bacteria in your system. I already eat greek yogurt daily, haven't taken the acidophillus, and mine is stinky as ever. I am trying the devrom as soon as it comes to the house....
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.