I drooled, I caressed, I fantasized, but I didn't put out....
any money on sugar!! Get your minds out of the gutter pervs!
I have been sick most of the week (I will have to personally thank Shauna for that since I am pretty sure I got it from her last weekend!).....so, my plans last night after work were to come home and veg all night. Instead, I decided to make a "quick" trip to Trader Joes. It would have been quick if I hadn't got caught up in the cookie and frozen treats isle. Good God people!! They have the YUMMIEST looking things every! Never go in there when you are PMSing....Everything looked good....I read every box, every container, every sugar and fat gram....every calorie (wow...people really eat that many calories in ONE items???)....i oogled the ice cream, drooled over the cookies, fingered the baked goods....I don't even like sweet stuff that much....To make it worse, I was talking to myself...OUT LOUD...."sugar is bad!" "Sugar is the devil!" "NO NO NO!!" "Bad!! BAD!!!" "step away from the sugar!" all while wiping drool off my chin...I think people were expecting my head to start spinning.
I am proud to say...I walked out of there without buying a single sugar filled item!!! I also hit Giant and again, walked out without buying any sugar. I told my therapist about it this morning...I asked him why I was being so obsessive...he said I wasn't obsessing...I was torturing myself! I really feel bad for the people that don't have food issues...they must lead really boring lives
Ok...I have to go back to bed....this cold or flu or what ever I have is still kicking my butt....
Good for you for not buying any of the devil items!