What kind of Iron do you use if you take any?
Glad everything went well with your PS. I am pregnant and my hemoglobin is very low 8.3 I am on Ferrous Sulfate 325mg 3 xaday per my OB It is over the counter I brought it at walgreens better buy so prunes to go with them they hurt my stomach and I have consipation from them too!(TMI)
Hope this helps. Good Luck!

Hi Nicole,
I have anemia and absolutely have to supplement because it's just that bad. The problem I was having even with the so called "easy iron" was severe GI distress and discomfort which iron is well known for but it would especially happen if I was in a rush and forgot to eat. The stomach pain would have me crawled up in a ball for almost 2 hours at a time. Anyways, I started using Celebrate Vitamins chewable iron and I have not had any problems since even if I forget to eat. Also, there is no issue with your teeth staining like people have complained about with other brands of chewable iron. Definitely a plus!
They have 2 different formulas; 18 mg and 30 mg. If you email them, they will send you free samples so you can try it before you buy it...They're both very tasty, there's no gritty texture and no nasty after-taste.
Bariatric Vitamins | Gastric Bypass Vitamins | Celebrate Bariatric Vitamins
My iron was normal, but ferritin was low and I was fatigued. Started taking 65 mg Iron = 325 mg ferrous sulfate twice daily, made by General Health purchased at Walmart. I'll know next week how this has influenced my blood chemistry. The fatigue has abated about two weeks after I started the iron. Caution, iron suppliments will cause constipation so I had to up the colase. Good luck with your choice.
I'm wondering if you fax your labs to Dr. B he would have suggestions on what he would want you to use? I know some surgeons prefer prescription brands....
And yes, iron is definately constipating so up the prunes and/or colace

I take the iron from
we got some samples @ the OH convention I take the 30mg and they have Vitamin C in them ,they are chewable & taste very good