Chobani - on sale
OK miss Easton Advisor...WHICH wegmans? (Is there even more than one??) I was just at the Wegmans by the super walmart....don't ask me the name of the road cause I dont' know it...I take Bushkill to North something or other and then make a right, the walmart is on the right and the wegmans is across the street on the left.
They didn't have ANY greek yogurt or I haven't noticed it any other time I've been there.
They didn't have ANY greek yogurt or I haven't noticed it any other time I've been there.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses. 

LOL! That is the Wegman's - I've only been in that one a few times, they HIDE it! damn them! It is with the kosher or organic foods. In one of those refrigerator thingies with the organic foods in that little section.
That is 248/25th street (might also be called Northampton St - mind is drawing a blank right now) - depending on what end you are at - the same road that the other Giant is on! Just go the opposite direction of WalMart, maybe 4 miles it'll be on the right.
That is 248/25th street (might also be called Northampton St - mind is drawing a blank right now) - depending on what end you are at - the same road that the other Giant is on! Just go the opposite direction of WalMart, maybe 4 miles it'll be on the right.
Oh jimminy christmas. Pretty soon I'm gonna do all my food shopping online and pay an arm and a leg to have them deliver to me so I don't have to wonder aimlessly through various stores looking for hiding spots. that you mention that...I have found fage, specifically, at Giant in the same of those isle end things. Now why wouldn't they put it with the other yogurts?
You and I should start a food store...where things are categorized the way they should...and we won't hide anything...and it will be in the same spot in ALL the stores.
We could be millionairs. Our slogan can be "shop where you know where things are"
Pam that you mention that...I have found fage, specifically, at Giant in the same of those isle end things. Now why wouldn't they put it with the other yogurts?
You and I should start a food store...where things are categorized the way they should...and we won't hide anything...and it will be in the same spot in ALL the stores.
We could be millionairs. Our slogan can be "shop where you know where things are"
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.