Woohooo!! If anyone is looking for one I got it at Amazon.com this morning! I know a lot of places have had it on sale for $90 but they only get like 3 and you have to wait hours in line on the "mystery day" when they get them in. I found it on Amazon for $114 so I went for it - granted I had to pay shipping and handling ($30 - what a rip off) but at least I have it! Of course now tomorrow one of those $90 will have 100 of them to sell. that's the way my luck goes.
Can't wait to get it and try it out!! I'll let you know what I think. I know it is no substitute for other types of workout - but for now it is what I have and what I feel I can commit to doing!

Enjoy your new toy/work-out game - I hear they're great!
I did go on-line to On Demand the other night to look at the exercise and fitness channel - OMG there are hundreds of shows listed on there, so its going to take me a while to find ones that I can use and like. But they're FREE, so you can't beat that, right? And if I don't like one its not like I invested money in it.
Enjoy the Wii, Liz - maybe by the time it comes you'll be back to your old self and feeling up to using it.
I did go on-line to On Demand the other night to look at the exercise and fitness channel - OMG there are hundreds of shows listed on there, so its going to take me a while to find ones that I can use and like. But they're FREE, so you can't beat that, right? And if I don't like one its not like I invested money in it.
Enjoy the Wii, Liz - maybe by the time it comes you'll be back to your old self and feeling up to using it.
Hi Liz
Glad you are feeling better. I now have the WII Fitness Coach which is a personalized fitness plan for the individual. It keeps track of your progress and adjusts to accommodates your needs. The workouts are challenging and sweat producing. I do love the gym classes better, but it is a good alternative.
Enjoy the WII fit. It is fun.
Good for you, Liz! I haven't done much with my WiiFit yet - and I can't wait to spend some "quality" time with it, LOL
And hey...if you happen apon one of the ninety dollar ones...go ahead and pick it up and then sell it on ebay to rcoup your $144 which would probably be easily accomplished.
And hey...if you happen apon one of the ninety dollar ones...go ahead and pick it up and then sell it on ebay to rcoup your $144 which would probably be easily accomplished.
Instead of complaining that the rosebush has thorns, be happy that the thorn bush has roses.