I've heard that calcium can bind you you. I have been taking my calcium pills pretty regularly since they are chewable and sit right on my desk at work.
DO I really have to take a fiber supplement in order to get some relief ? It seems like I should be able to just eat more F +V and call it a day, but it doesn't seem to be working. I drink water throughout the day. I'm sure it's more than the 64oz that i'm drinking in a day.
Coffee usually makes me go too, but that's not even working anymore. What do you all do to stay regular?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Iron can also bind you up, what kind of multivitamin are you taking? I find that Centrum chewables really constipates me.
Hope this helps!
We restrict our fat intake to the point that we no longer have the necessary fats to facilitate passage of our feces. There is a place in our diet for the good fats.
EVOO, 1/2 an avocado, etc., it doesn't have to be a lot.
Don't be afraid to do fat intake; we didn't do this surgery to stay on no fat diets all our lives.
Talk to your Nute; I'm sure they will be supportive.
Also, try a stool softener; that really helped me.
Best of luck,
Well before Liz cleans her house you could go hang out over there, hope you get the stomach flu and then everything comes running right out of you :) LOL sorry liz, I couldn't resist.
Colace does a pretty decent job when taken regularly. However....I didn't take it regularly and when I did have issues (which knock on wood hasn't happened in a VERY long time) regular colace did nothing for me. I had to move onto Peri Colace for a few days which not only has the stool softener in it - but also a laxative to get things moving.
If you are opposed to taking supplements, and trust me, I hear you on that one....I began using Sunsweet Ones dried plumbs. They are individually wrapped. If you have a problem with NATURAL sugars....it might not work so well. I tolerate natural sugars without an issue. 3-5 of those babies a day as a snack...lemme tell you...things move. As a change of pace I would use another one...I think it was dole...which are dried plumbs with flavors (orange, lemon....) I think those have some added sugars...but again, I tolerated them just fine. In fact...I was eating so many of them I gave myself the opposite problem and had to back off of them for a day.
I believe it is Jen Miller who swears by eating broccoli and beans every day and hasn't had a problem since. And she makes a running joke over that's the FIRST thing she does in the morning...is goes to the potty for her daily emptying.
Good luck!